Part 4

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"Hey Jaydon how's the form?" Kristen gave me a smile as she approached me on the putting green.

"It's been pretty good, not gonna lie though I'm nervous as fuck right now. When do you tee off?" I ramble out.

"Two groups time, how about yourself?"

"Oh um I'm next off..."

"Don't worry Jaydon you will be fine, just embrace it and have fun." We hug in parting and I make my way to the tee. I take a deep breath and introduce myself on the tee as my playing partners make their way over. I'm so nervous the two other girls I've been paired with are both internationals and have played together before.

I try and calm my nerves and focus on sticking to my game plan and trying to enjoy the experience for what it is.


"Fuck." I whisper out as I watch the final cut line. I had missed out by 2 shots, I was disappointed and a little frustrated due to Blaze not answering his phone.

I quickly jump into my car and instead of staying in Melbourne to sleep I decided to head straight to Bendigo.


"Hey Uncle..." I mumble out as I hug him after I've entered the clubhouse.

"Missed cut?"

"Yeah 2 shots, should have done better but my nerves fucked me that first round."

"You'll do better next time." I just nod as I search out the crowd, trying to find Blaze.

"Have you seen Blaze?" At this my Uncle's face hardens but he just shakes his head.

I just shrug and make my way to Blaze's room, without thinking I just walk straight in and what I see has my heart freezing in my chest.

Blaze is naked thrusting in and out of Cherry, one of the nicer club whores. I've gone completely numb and decide to knock harshly on the door, which causes Blaze to stop what he's doing and raise his head to the door only for his eyes to widen as he sees me.


I shake my head, "No, no keep going, don't stop on my account. I'll leave you to it." I manage to squeeze out passed the huge lump in my throat. I quickly turn and make my way back into the main room of the clubhouse to then be able to exit the building.

"BABY STOP!" Blaze's panicked shout stops everyone in the room and instinctively stops my hurried flight as well.

I put my hand on my gun and turn around slowly to see Blaze just inside the room with only boxers on. He took a tentative step towards me so I quickly pulled out my gun, training it on him.

I could see my Uncle in my peripheral vision, leaning against the bar, giving me a slight nod to say it was okay to shoot if I needed to. I wasn't going to kill him but I would hurt him if he came any closer.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out I cleared my throat and tried again, "H-how could you?"

"Baby it's not what you think..."

My eyes narrow in anger, "What so I didn't just see you fucking Cherry? It took you all of 5 fucking days before you cheated on me!"

Blaze's expression was turning arrogant when he realised the whole club had stopped to watch our little argument unfold, "Look you weren't supposed to be back until next weekend..."

I nod sarcastically, "That makes SO much more sense, thanks for clearing that up. I can't fucking believe you- NO! Don't you dare come any fucking closer or I'll fucking shoot!"

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