Part 3

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I was busy helping serve drinks in my Uncle's clubhouse, I don't know how it had worked out but every weekend I worked the bar before going back to Melbourne to work at a golf club during the week. The plan was to get on tour but for some reason I wasn't fixated on it anymore.

"Oi bitch gimme 2 whisky's."

"I wouldn't talk to her like that prospect." Nikki warned.

"I'll talk to the bar bitch anyway I want, gimme my drinks!"

He must be new because I didn't recognise his face. "If you ask nicely I might consider it." I was beyond exhausted, this week had been hectic in Melbourne and I didn't need this shit from an ungrateful, bratty prospect.

"Oh for fuck sake." He went to lean over the bar so I immediately grabbed the post mix nozzle and squirted him with coke.

"You little bitch!" He again tried to come over the counter but I quickly drew the gun out from the back of my jeans, ever since a couple months back Blaze made me carry due to some risk or something on my life.

He froze but slowly went for his gun, "I wouldn't do that prospect she's Blaze's old lady."

The kids eyes widen but his hand doesn't leave his gun.

I quickly butt in, "I am no one's old lady especially that big ass dickhead who currently has his tongue down some club whores throat." I growl out I notice Ripper knock him so that he disengages the girl and looks towards the bar.

"So you are a club whore? Well get down on your knees bitch!" Before I could retaliate the prospect grabbed me by the neck and dragged me over the bar, in the struggle I dropped my gun and before I realised it I was kneeling on the floor in front of him.

Before he could do anything I saw Blaze's big hand harshly grab onto the prospects shoulder and yank him away from me, the force sending him sprawling to the floor.

"Touching what's mine prospect?"

"I-I didn't know she was yours VP, I thought-"

"He thought because you had your tongue down some club whores throat Nikki was lying... which she was." I helpfully point out.

Blaze turns his eyes on me, "You are mine."

I scoff and get to my feet, "No I'm not!" I spot my gun and pick it up, tucking it into my waistband; Blaze grabs me by the upper arm and hauls me into him. I immediately bring my gun up between us, resting it on his stomach.

His eyes narrow in anger at my show of defiance, "Don't make me Blaze." I whisper up to him.

"I never should have given you a fuckin' gun." He growled out before shoving me behind him so that he again faced the terrified prospect. He grabbed his gun and shot the prospect in the leg. "Stay away from Jaydon she's mine." He growled out before he grabbed my gun out of my hand and hauled my over his shoulder.

Blaze was walking towards his room in the clubhouse, he non to gently chucked me onto the bed before shutting and locking his door.

"Let me the fuck out you gigantic asshole!" I scramble off the bed only to have him push me back on it again.

"Dammit Blaze, go back to your whore!" I'm pretty sure I was jealous but I was more disappointed that he could claim me and then be an asshole and kiss someone else in front of me.

"Jealousy doesn't suit you darlin'." He smirks before he starts stripping his clothes off.

"You can fuck off with your jealousy shit! Let me the fuck out of this room!" He quickly pins me to the bed with no shirt on and his pants half way unzipped.

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