Block 16

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The television came on as I pressed the 'On' button. There was an urgent news being broadcasted on it. "Yesterday after midnight, a mysterious person was seen to leave block 16, with a stained white shirt. Also, a dead body was found this morning at unit 6 of the same block. We believe that this is no mere coincidence. Our suspects has a short beard, bald and approximately 1.7 meters. If you see the suspect, pledge immediately call the police." I shivered a little. Nowadays, there seem to be more and more murders occurring. I was really scared that might come to me, since I'm living just near the murder scene at block 17. He probably might just takes down, considering I'm also 1.7 meters. I really do not doubt his strength. Near dinner time, I walked into my room and jumped. Thunder was staring right back at me, through the window. It was not to long before I realized there was no window in my house, but again, I had locked all the doors and windows in my unit. It was then the truth struck me...
What's the answer you can say it in the comments and I'll tell you if you got it right
Bye peeps

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