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Tonight was an ordinary night. Well, except for the rain of course. That was okay, I like rainy nights. As a horror writer on Wattpad it was a comforting thing. Here I am in my room, alone, sat against a white teddy bear. It's pretty big in size but I just love the way it feels against my back. As I'm editing my story, short horror stories, I get thirsty. The cup next to me is empty.

"Crap." I mumble to myself. I stood up and headed out my room for a glass of water. Walking through the dark hallway was easy. When I got to the kitchen to turn on the light, it didn't come on. I opened to refrigerator light which lit up in front of me. The light exposed a man standing in the kitchen with a glass of water in his hand.

I smirked. "Dad, what are you doing up?" He turned on the stove light which gave us a dim surrounding. "What are you doing up, Lilly?" He asked me. "Wattpad. What else?" I say. "Talking to people?" He asks. I was talking to a few but because my dad was so paranoid of internet friends I shook my head. "No dad. Editing a book." He smiles. "Can I tell you a story?" "If it's another story about internet safety, no dad. I'm 19 years old. I know things." I said. "I'm not an idiot."

He smiles at me. He was going to tell me anyway. "There was a little girl name Autumn who played Minecraft all day. She loved talking with people in the chat rooms. One day she came across a user name known as, "Creeper101." Creeper101 was Autumn's favorite person to play and chat with on Minecraft. One day Creeper101 asked if they could have her address. Autumn, being only 7 years old gave it to Creeper101 only after swearing they'd never tell anyone. Creepy101 said they'd never ever tell anyone.

Few weeks pass and with each day Autumn began feeling guilty of giving away her address. Especially because she hadn't talk with Creeper101 for a while. She was scared and wanted to tell her parents. Like every seven year old she was afraid of the punishment she'd get. When it was time for bed her parents tucked Autumn in and turned off the lights. She was about to tell them what happened with the address but decided to tomorrow.

Around the am time, Autumn had a bad dream and yelled out her parents name. It took a few minutes but someone finally came around. Someone's head poked out in the dark. Their head was in front of the door but hid their body. Because it was so dark, Sarah couldn't tell if it was her mother or father. "Yes dear." The womanly voice said. Autumn's mother's voice sounded so high pitch and off. It sounded nothing like her mom. "Mommy?" She said. "I'm afraid. Another head poked through the door. Just the head, the body was hidden due to the wall. "Hey, it's me. Daddy." The male voice said. This voice sounded deep. Deeper than she remembered her father's being. Also, it was raspy. The mother's voice was raspy too. "Maybe you're afraid because you gave Creeper101 our address. We told you to never do thaaaat...." The father said, his head moving up and down like a puppet boy. Their eyes moved around like fake googly eyeballs. "Creeper101 came here tonight and he murdered your mother and father. And it's aaaaaaall your fault." The voice became clear. It was neither his parents. The two heads dropped onto the floor, making a sickening sound as it hit the hard ground.

A huge silhouette ran inside the room and stabbed Autumn over and over until her high scream was nothing more than fainted breaths. Just then the sound of a baby came from another room. The stranger left Autumn on the bed dead and went to the baby.

When he got there he turned on the light. The baby smiled at him. He thought about killing the baby, for it would be his first time killing one, but he didn't. He picked up the baby like an expert, cradling in his hand. "Shhh shhh, it's okay." Creeper101 raised this baby on his own. He named the baby girl, Lilly. They lived together and were very happy with each other. Even though Lilly never had a mother, they were fine with just each other. The end." Me and my dad stared at each other the longest time. He had this smile on his face. A smile that bought back so many memories. A smile that reminded me of the first time he cradled me in his bloody hands.
Hey peeps this isn't an answer thing or what ever I just found it soooo ya
Bye peeps

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