hey guys

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hey guys so I know I've been gone for a really long time and I'm sorry but a lot has been happening so imma tell you what's been going on in my life (what life?? XD) and there I some good news and some bad so lets start with my (not) life

so I've gotten in trouble a lot lately bc I don't really know bc I forgot

my birthday is coming up!!!  (July 10th)

my sister is a but head

I finished harry potter and the half blood prince the book

now the good news

I'm going to MT Rushmore on the 5th

I got a lot of new books

my best friend and I almost died but lived.... twice!!

my mom made me make a list for my birthday which now has a lot of stuff on it bc I want a lot of things

okay now for the bad news

I uh am not gonna be on here for a long time bc of what's been happening to me so my friend Clarisse is going to take over for me and do some more of my stories so all will still have some stories to read and finish and stuff so ill see yall in like a few months!

if yall want to message me you can still do that bc Clair will text me and ask what to say and stuff so you guys can still do that and I'm still going to be reading storied and stuff and commenting but that's about it so I love yall and I'm going to miss you guys

bai pees


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