An unexpected visiter

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I'd like to share my story that brought about my belief in ghosts.
When I was about 15 I was home sick from school. I lived in a large house with two floors and an unfinished basement. In the basement I had set up a craft room for painting/staging war-hammer figures in what was once a photographer's darkroom. It was noon and my step dad often came home for lunch, so when I heard the tell-tale sounds of the front door opening I figured I'd call my mother and let her know he was home and tell her I was feeling better. As I dialled the phone I listen to him close the door with a slam and walk through the foyer into the kitchen and turn on the tap directly above the craft room.
My mom picked up the phone at work and I told her that K, my step dad, was home for lunch. She told me that he wasn't going home for lunch, that he was really busy at the office. I froze in terror as the tap was shut off and the person upstairs walked back through the foyer and up the stairs to the bedrooms. My mother told me to hide while she called K, minutes away, to come home. I crept upstairs quite as a mouse and grabbed the largest kitchen knife then back into the basement to hide.
K was home about 6 minutes later. He scoured the house and found no-one but I never heard them leave.

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