5 fingers waiting for 6

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There once was a man who was very rich. He had a small daughter, who was snotty, and never listened to rules. She said she wanted everything. This little girl's name was Julie. Julie begged and begged for a new doll. Her mother finally gave in, and took her to the antique doll store. Juli entered the store. There were 1959 barbie dolls, rag dolls, and many others. But as soon as she set eyes on Gabi, the special black button eyed doll in the back of the store, with a worn smile, soft, yarn hair, and mysterious 5 fingers up, Julie knew she wanted Gabi.

She took Gabi to the counter. The old clerk working there widened his eyes. "Little girl, are you completely sure you want this doll?" Julie nodded. "Then you must listen to these rules: 1) Never sleep with your doll 2) Never keep the doll in your room at night. Keep it in a place where you can't touch it. 3) NEVER have anything sharp around this doll at night? Okay?" Julie nodded, but secretly thought he was crazy.

Later that night, Julie was doing her homework with a newly sharpened pencil, hugging Gabi close beside her. She yawned, and decided it was time for bed. 'Never mind that old clerk!' Juli thought. 'I will keep Gabi in my bed!' And with that she set down her pencil on the floor beside her bed, and went to sleep.

It was morning. Ellen, her mother, called her down for breakfast. There was no answer. 'She must be tired' Ellen thought. Ellen went up to Julie's room, and screamed. There, lying on her bed, was Juli, dead, and holding her sharpened pencil in hand, and Gabi, with 6 fingers up, smiling a deadly smile, in her arm.

like it bc I looovvvve it


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