The Boy

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I love my son, I truly do. There's nothing in the world I would wish for than my parents, my wife, and most importantly, my son.

His name is Oscar, and he was a well-behaved child, even at the age of five, he knew better than to do wrong. That wasn't the only thing I loved about him, but it was his wild imagination that really amazed my wife and I.

Ever since he was three, he found his love of drawing pictures, really cute ones to be honest. We'd usually find pictures of what we can make out as his own make-believe creatures Oscar had made up. He had different descriptions and stories for each one, it was something really extraordinary for us.

For a few of his birthday parties, my wife and I thought about bringing his world of creatures to life by buying random party supplies and costumes to try and make a real-life representation of it. Oscar loved it, and we'd done two more birthday parties with the same theme.

At those parties, we'd invite my work buddies' kids to them, to have someone play with Oscar. Surprisingly enough, Oscar already has a few friends, especially Billy.

Billy Hill was the son of one of the best guys I work with at my job as a car manufacturer, Shaun Hill. Shaun had a huge interest in heavy metal music, which is why he sometimes listens to music from his favorite bands while he worked, just something to put out there. His son, Billy had picked up the interest in music that shouted at you, basically the only music Billy and Shaun would listen to. Like father like son, right?

Billy and Oscar's relationship was something special for Shaun and I, even my wife was glad our son had found his first, new best friend. When Shaun usually came over to our house, he'd bring Billy with him, he only wanted to come over to play with Oscar.

Shaun, and my wife an I would usually talk about what was going on in our lives, mostly about work. Billy and Oscar would be in Oscar's bedroom, either drawing pictures together or just playing with whatever toys they both got out.

All of that, however, had stopped about a year later on Oscar's fifth birthday.

My son wanted another monster fantasy themed birthday party, so we'd gave him one. After the cake and presents were given, Oscar continued playing with Billy outside. I started putting the leftover cake and ice cream away when I heard the back door open, followed by small footsteps. Looking over to Billy, walking into the kitchen where I was, towards me, and he had a strange look on his face. Billy had that expression where he was about to scream or cry, or something like that. Either way, it had me worried.

"There's a man outside," Billy said, a quiet and shaky tone coming out of his mouth.

I immediately run to the window to look out at Oscar, and surprisingly, there was a man out there, standing in front of him. The man wore a dusty trench coat and leather work gloves on, probably some homeless man or a drug addict. He stood in front of Oscar, who didn't look afraid at all. No, I know what I saw, he was smiling up at him. Oscar's lips didn't move at all, he was just looking up at the man with that dimpled grin spread across his face.

I run out the door, with a broom in my hands, the only thing I had thought of grabbing in an instant.

"Get the hell away from my son!" I shouted at the man, who turned to look at me. He immediately ran around the other side of our house, and in an instant, he was gone. I looked over to Oscar, who was only confused.

"Oscar, are you okay? Did that man hurt or touch you anywhere?" I asked him, staring at him in the eyes, not taking my eyes off him.

Oscar only stuttered, as if he couldn't get a reply out, but he did.

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