Chapter 8: The Trigger

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"Are you serious? He really did that?" Kathrine asked Zach. She was putting her blonde hair into a messy bun like she was ready to fight. She wasn't going to, but it made her feel more prepared. Any time Derrick is brought up she gets heated. Sometimes her fists even ball up.

"Yes, I'm for real. Kat, he scared me. He really did," Zach was being honest with her. He didn't care if he looked like a wimp. It was an actual confrontation, and he didn't really know what to do.

"What do we do?" she asked.

"Police. We call the police and let them know how aggressive he is. Listen to this... you move here from Florida. Derrick cheats on Natalie with you. Genni gets too close and his anger gets the best of him. He kills Genni and hides her body... Kat, he was probably stalking you that night." Kathrine looked to the floor. "And then, he thinks everything is fixed and he could leave you alone. But Evelyn invites you over that night and everything explodes. His plan went up in flames and now he is pissed and trying to find a way out. He is a loose cannon. I'm ready to tell the cops." Zach leaned against the granite counter in Kathrine's new kitchen.

"I don't know, Zach. I get it, but it doesn't all add up. It's a little too drastic." Kathrine was trying to tone down Zach's excitement. She was getting really good at hiding her mess of emotions. Practice makes perfect, right? But on the inside, she wasn't okay. Like a rat hiding in a dark corner, she tried to push back everything... but when the flashbacks hit, she can't.

"What do you mean?"

"Derrick confronting you... it's just drama. He didn't hurt you or anything. There isn't really evidence of him threatening you. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of trouble back in Florida..."

Zach rolled his eyes and starting rubbing his beard. "We have to do something."

"Where is he?"

"Probably at Natalie's... or home."

"Let's go riding. We're going to find his car and search it."

"What? Are you kidding me?!" Zach said, but he grabbed his keys. Yes, he was scared, and his heart rate was starting to pick up... but it was time to do something about Derrick.


Nothing was distracting him from looking for that car. Kathrine was perched up on the leather seat looking out the open window. The wind was knocking her hair back as they rolled through the backroads looking for Derrick's house.

But then, his eyes couldn't stay on the road... there she was. He looked a little longer. Then a little longer. He would keep staring, but Derrick's house was up ahead.

"There it is," she said.

"It's probably locked." Zach turned off his car.

Kathrine slowly pushed the door open and stepped out onto the pothole-scattered backroad. The night was a dark one. The moon was full and the stars were scattered. There wasn't any clouds or noises to take away from the beauty in the nature above them... but they didn't notice. They leaned down and made their way to Derrick's car.

Then it hit: panic. The idea that whoever did that to Genni could do it again.

Her eyes starting looking at Zach instead of Derrick's car. She slowed down, and so did he, which for some reason made her panic more. She shot up to her feet, making sure she could run if she had to.

"No," she said as she stepped away from Zach. "Don't do this." That's all her fear would let her whisper.

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