Chapter 19: The Secrets

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"Long time no see," Sheriff Mullins said as he sat in front of Kathrine in the interrogation room. He gave her a cup of coffee to keep her awake. It was obvious she didn't need it because her feet were bouncing on the concrete floor nonstop and her fingers kept fidgeting from her hair to her neck. Hair to neck. He just wanted to make her feel at home.

"I don't really like coffee, but thank you," Kathrine told him, pushing it back to his side of the table. The smell was strong and bitter. It was obvious there wasn't anything in it.

"Oh, that's all right. I'll drink it." He let about a third of the cup fall down his throat, not letting the temperature or bitterness affect him. "I don't really like anything in my coffee."

"That's gross," she chuckled. It didn't take her anxiousness away, but it helped.

"So, I brought you in today to talk about Derrick. You reported the murder to me, and you also found the crowbar with Zach. Tell me about that..."


In the next room, Deputy Marie Evans was talking to and questioning Zach. They thought Kathrine might have been the more nervous of the two, but Zach was really uneasy.

"I didn't do anything. I promise," he hurried his hands through his hair.

"I know, hun. We didn't call you in here like you did something. We just want some more information," she walked to the mirror in the room and waved her hand. This was something they used to make the suspect feel more comfortable... to think the people watching on the other side of the glass had walked away. They didn't, but it fooled Zach.

"What do you know about Derrick?" she asked him.

"We used to be best friends. Then, he cheated on his girlfriend, Natalie."

"What a shame," she smiled and walked back to her seat. "And he cheated on Natalie with who?"

Zach pointed at the door, "Kathrine. Who I came here with. I was with her when we found the crowbar."

"What do you know about Kathrine?"

"I know she moved here from Florida. She was trying to fit in here, I guess, and she ended up with Derrick. But, she's not like that. She didn't know about Natalie."

"Do you think Kathrine would not like Derrick for any reason?" she moved the hair from her forehead and back into the bushy, short haircut.

"...Yes. She doesn't like him, but who does?" he started twirling his thumbs.

Deputy Evans stared into Zach's eyes... not for intimidation, but as a warning. She bounced her focus from his left eye to his right, making her eyes dart back and forth. "Thank you for coming out, hun. You can leave now."

Zach nodded and stood up from his chair. He reached out over the table for a handshake. She grabbed his hand as ladylike as she could. Zach let go and headed for the door. Before he could leave the room, she turned around to talk to him one last time.

"Hey, hun," she felt like she needed to tell him something. It was bothering her, and she liked the kid. "You really don't know everyone. People are crazy these days and you never know... be careful out there."

Zach met up with Kathrine and her mom in the lobby before walking out to the parking lot together. Kathrine walked through the door, brushing her blond hair behind her ear to stop the wind from blowing it. Zach stared at her... letting two questions run through his head.

Why did she come to Fayetteville? What happened in Florida?

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