- Questions & Predictions Pt. 2 -

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First of all...

When I first started writing RED, I had no idea you guys would engage with it so much

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When I first started writing RED, I had no idea you guys would engage with it so much. I feel so thankful that you all enjoy my story & I hope you get something out of it. I promise the stuff to come will blow you away! 😉

Now, I have a few discussion questions that I would love for you guys to answer and talk about in the comments. I'll say what I can in the comments, but I will not spoil anything. ☺️

1. Do you think Robert, Natalie's stepdad, made the right choice by giving her the gun? Will Natalie use it for good... or evil?

2. How far do you think the killer will go to make sure someone else takes the fall?

3. The photos on Jasper's camera show the killer but without a face. What are they going to do with that?

4. Should the town curfew stay in effect? Or does it put people as sitting ducks in their homes?

5. If there is anything else you want to talk about, just comment!

Again, thank you all so much for the support. ❤️


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