x Eric Hosmer x

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This is for Camille!!!!

----I hope you enjoy!----


Growing up with Eric was the best thing ever. We did every single thing together. That is until he got drafted. After that, we never talked anymore. I think the game got to him, but that's not what his family says. Speaking of his family, they have convinced me to go to the game tonight. I really didn't think it was a good idea, but they told me it would be a good time for Eric and I to catch up. Since I knew I would be bored, I decided to go. 

It was currently an hour till the game started and his family was on their way to pick me up. They wanted all of us to go earlier so we could see him before the actual game started.

"Hey, Camille! It's so nice to see you!" Ileana, his mother, said to me. "It's nice to see you too, Mrs. Hosmer! I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever!" "It really does feel like that doesn't it? I have scolded Eric for years for not keeping in touch with you. He's just really stubborn." "Yeah, that he can be."

After about five minutes, we finally made it to the stadium. The car ride felt like forever.

As we made it through the doors of the clubhouse, I saw the guy that I haven't seen in years. The guy who stopped talking to me when he made it big. 

Even though he had all of his family to talk to, he came over to me first. "Camille! It's so great to see you!" As he went in for the hug, I was very reluctant at first, but I decided that there was nothing wrong with it. "What happened to you?" "What do you mean?" "I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. You stopped talking to me after you got famous. I've never been treated this terribly by someone." "I know you're not going to believe and I know you'll never forgive me, but the reason I never contacted you is because I didn't think you wanted to. I know how you are with 'famous' people and your view on them. I don't consider myself to be one of those people either. I just thought you wouldn't care for me anymore." "Of course I still care about you. We've literally known each other for babies." "That we have. Okay, I have an idea. I can make it up to you." "By doing what?" "Whatever you want to. Deal?" "Deal."


I hope you enjoyed this!!!

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