x Manny Machado x

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This is for Grace!!!

---I hope you enjoy!!!---


Being Kevin Gausman's sister was one of the best things in the world, mainly because I got to go to as many Orioles' games as I wanted to. One of the worst things about being his sister was that he always teases me about how I like many Manny Machado. The whole team even knows and it's pretty embarrassing.

***Kevin's POV***

"Alright guys, we have to find a way to get my sister and Manny together." "And how are we gonna do that?" Adam said. "Well that's why I wanted to talk to you guys. I need your help on deciding who to do it." "I think the best thing to do is to just ask Manny about it." Chris said. "That is true. I'll see what I can do. Thanks everyone."

As I head over to Manny I started dot get nervous. I don't know why, but I am a protective brother and I just want Manny to treat Grace right. "Hey Manny, can I talk to you for a second." "Yeah, I actually want to talk ton you about something too." "Alright, you can go first." "Okay, so your sister Grace. I like her and I wanted permission from you to take her out." "That is actually what I came over here to talk to you about. I really do want you to date my sister. I know you'll treat her. So, yes, please take her out and treat her nicely." "That I will do. Thank you so much, Kevin. It means a lot."

***Grace's POV***

As I was sitting in the dugout, I noticed Manny walking over to me. Over these years, me and Manny have become really good friends. "Grace, I need to ask you something." My heart started beating so fast. "Yes, Manny?" "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me? I've already asked your brother and he said it was more than OK." "Of course I will, Manny!"


I hope you enjoyed this!!!

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