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I immediately broke my gaze with alpha Xander at the call of my name.


Jace sent me a confused look before he casually walked over to us putting his hand out for Xander to shake.

"Alpha Xander, it's good to meet you,"

"Same Alpha Jace."

Jace looked back at me," so Vio how do you know Alpha Xander.."

I stepped away from Xander at Jace's accusing tone," He is Brie..the delta's mate back with Viola's... brother." I frowned at how I worded the sentence and how funny it sounded.

"Oh alright, well Alpha Stephan is looking for you Violet."

"Looking for me? Why?"

"He apparently wanted to apologize..he is with the rest of the Alphas in the back ..let's go."

With that Jace and I turned to walk towards the back of the pack house. That is until I stopped and turned back to face Xander.

"You coming partner?"


I felt like a fish out of the ocean, being the only girl, that I could see in a milestone of men.

I stood at the corner of the party , sipping my drink in one hand and staring out at the sea of wolves.

Alphas and their PW were chatting all aimlessly amongst each other about strategies and Luna's.

Why wasn't I with Jace?

Because the first time I went with him to an alpha. I got laughed off, literally. It's not like I am the first female pack warrior, rumor has it that there are more pack warriors that are female , up north.

I snapped out of my thoughts when a fellow PW ran towards me.

"Are you Violet?" He asked , his tone rough and urgent.

"Yes, What is the matter?" I kept my voice strong with no hiccups, trying to show my power through my words.

"It is Alpha Jace, he in getting into a fight with Alpha Ian."

My world just stopped. I should have know Jace would go after Ian! He has always acted like my older brother there is no way he was going to let this go.

I put my drink down before running to the sound of Jace and Ian.

Ian's nose looked like it was broken, and Jace had a small cut trailing down his face.

"Jace stop!"

At the sound of my voice both Ian and Jace's eyes snapped towards me but for to different reasons, though we called off the mate bond, you could still feel it lingering inside. And Jace ...well let's just say he was took my distraction and used it to fire one more blow before stepping away from him and towards me.

"If she wasn't so strong or if you hurt her. You would have been dead."

Ian growled.

"Alright everyone show is over ."

I recognized that voice.
"Dave?!" I ran up and into his hands..receiving two growls from behind.

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