Fire in my soul.

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My whole body felt like it was going up in flames. Every inch of my body burning.

I couldn't breathe, it felt like my rib cage was getting pushed up against my chest cavity. Like all good forms of life was leaving my soul.

Shielded and
Guarded by a black night state, my heart beats fast .

Slowly and gently I peel my eyes open to a room of white.


Violet (she's backkkk)

It took me a couple of moments to adjust my eyes to the bright light of the room. With my eyes open as much as slits I pushed myself up onto the bed. Leaning my head against the head board as memories of the last day hit me like a ton of bricks.
I did not know Ian enough, I didn't want a mate maybe that's why I survived. But Jace, he was a brother, someone as close to me as Viola, he knew  my love for that position. Yet he still snatched it away so quickly. He never gave me the opportunity to speak, he never give me the opportunity to fight.

I called out to my sister or mother, though asleep I could hear some of their conversations. Just tiny bits, I heard Viola protecting me from Jace , how possessive and angry she got whenever some one mentions him.
I heard her every night crying her eyes out, the mate bond of her causing her so much of pain because of the way she left her mate.

I must say I have new found respect for my older sister and I now truly hate myself for ever being angry and rude and cruel to her.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed and try to stand up. The blood rushes to those areas that were not in used for weeks causing me to stumble and come crashing down to the rugged floor.

Lying down, I ran my hand through my dirty hair, three weeks and still not washed.
Forgetting trying find my mom I made my way to the shower . Crawling I pushed my self into the bathtub.
In all honestly I have never used the bathtub from the time I was six. But I had no energy to stand in the shower. After a long time of struggling and getting used to the tub life. I finally was able to stand up. The water shocking my muscle back into action.
The next thing on my list was to get something to eat. Slipping on a robe I made my way down to the fridge, the house dead silent , alerting me that my parents are not home. Opening the fridge I notice a Tupperware container of my mums pasta, immediately I retrieve it, crack it open and grab a fork, not even waiting for it to be warm I forked a huge piece of chicken Alfredo into my mouth. And slowly walked back to my bedroom. There was a muted silence throughout the house. It sort of gave me the same feeling you get when you watch a horror movie and you know something is going to happen. I made my way to the living room when a red card stood out amongst the grey comforter. It looked similar to a wedding card.

You are cordially invited to celebrate the birthday of the My mate and the beloved Luna of the silver shadows pack.

Theme: midnight.

Dress code: dark colours (please refrain from wearing silver, silver adornments included.)

Time: tomorrow night from six till the sun rises.

Place: the pack house.

Thank you for joining us for this wonderful day.

That damn jerk. How the hell does he have the heart to do this.
I rip the card into tiny pieces before throwing it into the air and letting is rain down to the grown.

Is that where ever one is?
Did they all actually leave to go and celebrate with Jace?

I feeling of hurt bubbles through me. They would never..unless Jace forced them to.

I left my pasta aside, no longer having an appetite to eat. I put my head between my knees raking my mind for any memories of this past week. Anything that could tell me why my sister suddenly just ...

Nothing. I could think of anything.

"Gosh Dammit. I through one of Mum pillows on the floor, knocking the pasta bowl of the table in one solid blow.

Then it hit me. Just pieces but enough to set me to the right path.

"I'm still not going for it. It is not the time to celebrate nor is appropriate for him to invite both Violet and I when he knows the state she is in and he know that I will never leave her side!"

That's my sister , a true Barbie goodie in the outside but the heart of a terror on the inside.

"He told me to come tell you that by order of the alpha , everyone who received and invite must attend or they will be facing tough regulations."

This is not the Jace I know, my Jace would have stuck up for me, he would understand where we coming from, not play love sick pup for his mate of less than a month.

"I still don't want to go."

"I am afraid we don't have a choice Viola, we don't want to make Jace even angrier, I think we should just make an appearance and then leave."

I sat back down as a wave of nausea hit him and not even a second later ..

Cam signed," it the best most simplistic thing you can do to tick both off, Jace has the pack on alert to make sure no one , spikes the food or drinks, so that no one shows up in silver etc. by wearing a light course closed covered by a dark hood ..then no one will expect anything."

"So that what they did." I spoke to myslef. Mad I know but no one was in the house.
I looked at the comforter , pillow and pasta that now decorated the floor...

Having a two second debate with my self I decided to let it be and join my family at this even.
Rushing back to my room I pull my closet open only to be met with with pants, top and mini more club style dresses...nothing fancy.
I moved on to Viola's cupboard, while there was every dress from sticking blue to pale pink there was nothing that I truly like.

My last option was my mums room, none of her clothes would fit me but I do know that she keeps the dress that we wore to last family weddings above her cupboard in delicate boxes.

I tried my best to reach the box but once again a wave of nausea hit me.

It took a couple of seconds but I felt relatively fine, I reached up and pulled the big box down. Finding exactly what I was looking for.

It was a simple high low lace wine dress. I was supposed to wear it for my mother's sisters wedding ...but never did. Back then you could say I was a little more rebellious...ended up being the only flower girl in a bright blue dress instead of this simple high low white lace wine dress.

I slipped it of before applying minimal make up and doing my hair , in slight curls.

Something feels different with me but I cannot put my finger on it. Running my hands through my tresses I realize that my hair is gone a darker shade than usual.

Must be the lack of sun.

I grabbed my phone and heels before making my way out the house. It felt good for the sun to touch my skin. Almost rejuvenating.

I smirked at myself through the window mirror.

"I'm back ...and it's time for me to Let hell reign loose. Because no wannabe messes with me and gets away with it."

The faster you comment and vote the faster I'll post.♥️♥️

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