Bonus Chapter

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Seriously not edited!!!!!Also got messaged to write  the First chapter Blood Stains and Ball Gowns in the pov of the sister Viola

So here we go..

I looked over at my sister pacing around the room just minutes before we had to leave to go to the ceremony.
She was dressed gorgeous without even having to put in the effort or the make up. Now I know what your thinking that we are twins. But I always wore foundation of eyeliner, I didn't think I could pull of being fresh faced.

"Maybe we can run away for the night."

I nodded my head pretending to agree with my sister when deep down I actually wanted to go and find my mate but I'll never tell her that.

My sister and me where twins but though similar in many ways there was certain things completely different like for one she is a fight and I am a lover.

"Girls we are leaving."

Here we go.


"Mum ,please do we have to go, you know we both are much happier being at home with you and dad." Violet argued.

She sent me a pleading look, begging me with her eyes to force our mum to not torture us in this way.

She sent me a knowing nod, ' Mum.. Violet is right we don't want to go.."

"I don't care if you want to or if you don't." She raised her voice and sent us a glare through the review mirror." We drove all the way here, you both are seventeen and it's time for you'll to find your mates whether you like it or not. So get out of this damn car and get going, the events not going to wait for you two."

Both Violet and I clambered out of the car and into the freshly manicured grass. When mum gets angry you get out. Even our dad the renowned pack warrior gets scared of her.

"And remember to come see us before you leave with your mate you both." Mum shouted out through the window as she sped away.

Definitely mad mum.

"You know I feel like she doesn't love us." Violet said staring at me, I turned around and gave her a look.

Thee look.

The I'm disappointed look.

"Violet you know she is just doing this for us, she let us be for the last year but we  are seventeen and this event is set up for all unmated wolves to meet up with their's only for our benefit."

There was no tomboy or girlie girl twin but rather a set of twins who loved each other and were exactly the same in every attribute except for the stubbornness.

"Do you really think we will find our mates here?" She sighed -defeated.

"Well mum and dad found each other here, so they is a good possibl-" I soon shut up and stared off into the distance slightly sniffing the air, something was smelling really good but it was faint like it was about to disappear.

I didn't register the people around me,my wolf and I were only set on one thing finding this smell.
I walked forward pushing people around trying to get closer to the smell.

One wrong direction and I would loose the scent so I turned and walked in the opposite direction. I could smell it better now, so much better.

It smelled of cappuccino and roasted Marshmallows , my best drink. My mother always told me your mate will have the scent of the smell you truly liked...other then finding my mate I was super curious to see what I smelt off. Would it be sweet or fruity.

What if he tells me I smell like whiskey.

That would be disappointing.

Oh Gosh what if my mate is like a farmer and loves the smell of horse manure cause spent good poo mean healthy horse? What is I smell like poo.


My eyes widened and suddenly I was engulfed by the marshmallow scent and held onto tightly while his lips pressed hard against my own sending the most amount of sparks through me.

If a dead person touched me now I'm sure the sparks I am feeling will shock them back to life.

"Mate." The man removed him lips and moved my hair from my eyes, he was gorgeous, green eyes and dark hair.

"What your name love."


He leaned down and kissed me again both of us couldn't have enough of the taste.

"What do I smell like?"

I asked .

My mate pulled away and looked into my eyes, after a while his eyes wrinkled up and he started to laugh.

That's when I relapsed my first question was what do I smell like rather then asking for his name.

"You smell like baked apple pie."

I smiled...I love apple pie.

"My name is Reese love, and you are the most beautiful girl in the world , now other women is like you my mate."

Now it was my turn to keep a straight face but I couldn't for I had to laugh, boy always used this line with me then they meet my sister.

"What so funny?"

"I am a twin, I have a sister who looks just like me..."

Reese stood there not knowing what to say before he to joined my laughter.

"Let me intro-"

He cut me off, " I am sorry love I was about to leave, my Alpha is very much in a hurry, he doesn't like these events we have to go now, we will make a quick stop by your house but that's it."

I could just leave my sister it would break her, maybe I can stall once we are at home that will give her enough time to come back.


This jerk didn't even let me leave the car as he went in to greet my parents and get my stuff. He didn't even wait for Violet and now we were heading to his pack all there way across the country.

I know violets going to be hurt but I belong with him.

Maybe I'll just try and sneak away.

But I know he will find me every-time
Cause that's what mate's do they find and complete each other

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