Stolen Kissis (part two)

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Hey guys before you read this chapter make sure you read part one it got posted before newstory!

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Viola Fate Mickelson and Reese Turner, these two young..."

Everything seemed to go in slow motion my sister slipped a ring onto Reese and vice versa then they kissed , a happy passionate one to bind their commitment.

Soon everyone left towards the hotel to have lunch , the only ones staying were my family and friends.

"Violet!" My sister ran towards me engulfing me in those sisterly hugs.

" I miss these tingles." Viola whispered in my neck. I could feel my eyes start to well up. I had no wolf to feel the twin tingles. It's something I lost.
I stepped away from my sister and wiped my eyes, "I missed you so much baby girl."

We hugged once again before my mother started to cry. Both Viola and I walked towards her wrapping her a hug and she cried. I looked up from her shoulder at dad who stood a little further back wiping his eyes on his hand kerchief ,

"Aren't you going to give me a hug dad?"
He took one step forward.
" how do I know you are really the daughter that left four years ago?" I could sense the teasing hint in his words.

"Why don't you come and see."

This is something we normally used to do around the house that gets mum angry. Spar. Dad and I always went up against each other. He always won but said that I should continue the surprise attack's cause it was good practice for both of us .

Dad lifted his leg and swinged it aiming for my torso, but I saw it coming, I jumped back almost colliding with Cierra,

"Ah Violet can you tell me what's happening ?" Cierra looked like she was ready to jump in like a true partner would but I simply told her that it is something we do and not to worry.

I raised my fists to my dads chest and just like I wanted he used both his hands to stop them. Quickly twisting my body in the opposite direction I span and kicked his legs knocking him off balance then delivered a punch to him chest causing him to fall face forward on the ground . When he was flat I sat on top of him using my weight to hold him down.

"That's definitely my girl." My dad coughed out from under me.
I stood up and Cierra aswel as the rest came to greet and congratulate me.
Brie , Alana and Reese all came and gave me a hug, Brie started to rant about me leaving but got cut off by alpha Jace and Dave who came to also greet.

I gave Jace a tight lipped smile. I was going to let the past go with him. I had a new purpose in life and no time to worry about his man feelings.
Alpha Stephan walked over clapping my back in a welcoming gesture.

All that was now missing was Cam.
I turned around and saw Cam standing to the side staring intently at Cierra.

I made my way to him
"Hey Cameron? Arnt you coming to greet?"

He didn't move nor did he break his stare.

"How did you know Ian was your mate?"

I was shocked by the sudden question, and with werewolf hearing so was everyone else. I could almost feel Ian's gaze at the back of my head probably waiting for my answer.

"Your heart beat picks up, your eyes can only lock onto them, the world seems brighter and it's like every cell in your body is pushing you toward that person who has thee most amazing fragrant." I could hold back my words it was dead true.

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