Late Night Dances

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Violet POV

(5K guys...omfg *internally squeals*)

Okay I'm calm let's start

Jace offered us his cellars to keep both Zain and Phillip in until I go back and hand them in to the EA.
Reece is organizing Adam a funeral.

It's almost hard to believe, Adam was the normal twin, the good one, the one who got pulled in this because of his brother. Zain was the one seen Outside Russia , then Philip gave him the 101 about us , then he did a infamous twin swop and became his brother to watch us at the party.

They were always one step ahead until he tripped. Then we soared to the finish line.

I stepped out of the shower, the hot steam filling our hotel room. Cierra left earlier today to spend the afternoon with Cam. I'm not sure what's going to happen their, if Cierra accepts Cam, she will have to move here...part of me thinks she won't. She won't leave her sister half way across the world nor will she give up the agent job she trained for four years for.

It's our plan to go back home tomorrow, we need to get back to the agency and find someone who knows something about supernatural and try to find out what the hell happened here.

I wrapped the towel around my body and walked out the bathroom walking over to my phone to put in some music as I dug around for my pajamas.

There was sharp brisk knock on the door.

"One second." I shouted over the music grabbing an over sized shirt only to put on.

I quickly ran over to the door opening it, the cold air of the air conditioned hallway rushed into my room.

" Xander?"

The tall alpha stood before me, his one hand leaning in the door frame as he looked at me.

"We need to talk Partner."

I quickly rubbed my arm, it was starting to get really cold and I wasn't exactly covered up.

"Could we do this some other time Xander, it already late at night, I'm not even dressed and it so cold."

Xander removed eye contact and looked down before looking back  at me.

"I  can see that you are cold." He smirked he infamous smirk.

I looked down to see my body did infact react to the coldness, I cover my chest with my arms not uttering a word more.

"I'll give you five minutes, meet me by the beach."

I shut the door quickly pulling my top out and getting dressed into something more warmer for the night.

I quickly tied my hair back and slipped in my shoes before running out the room to meet Xander.

He was standing alone at the shore in his usual black outfit, with his jeans rolled up to his ankles as the sea water gently roles onto the sand separating when reaching his feet.

"You love this life hey, the life of constant adrenaline, constant fear of the unknown , a life with fights yet no time for love."

I was far enough away but close enough to hear him. His head was tilted away from me and towards the bright moon. His eyes closed and his face was illuminated by the moonlight, each facial bone highlighted naturally in the moons blue glory.

"You spend the mornings training the afternoons planning, and the nights dancing. Why make tonight different."

"Xander..." I interrupted, I needed to explain to him why I kissed Ian- hell let me rephrase that I have to explain to him why Ian kissed me.
I walked towards him but stopping dead in my tracks as he spoke again , his voice cutting through the air like sharp knives.

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