Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Zayn's POV

"Zaaaaaayn?" Somebody was shaking me. "Zaaaaaaayn!"

"Ughh...." I mumbled, then tried to get more comfortable in my bed. Wait, no, we were still in the hospital. I tried to get more comfortable in the hospital chair, but it wasn't very comfy. "Go away...."

"This could take a while." I heard Liam mumbled. "Niall, Harry, and Louis, we'll meet you in the car. Don't put the keys in! You remember what happened last time, don't you Niall?"

I heard Niall laughing, then all the boys said together, "Yes, father." Megan bursted out laughing at this. I felt myself smiling in my sleep.


I hated that I was so shy. Louis was so loud, so fun, so crazy, and always made her laugh. I don't know if I could do the same for Megan.

You have Perrie, stupid! I reminded myself. But Meg. There's something special about her...

"Daddy Direction? Is that what they call you?" I heard Megan ask.

"Mmmhmm. Louis is really the oldest, but he's . . . Louis. I'm the most responsible since I only have one kidney. Just always very careful." Liam said.

"Really? You only have one kidney? Wow, Liam..."

"It only really affected me when I was younger. I had to take 32 shots a day."

"You're ten times stronger than I thought you were."

"I think I should be saying that to you, after all you went through." What did he mean by that? Maybe I could listen in a little more...

"I guess. That's still nice that you look out for the boys. Heaven knows what they would do if there was no authority."

Liam laughed then tried shaking me again. Noooooooo.

"But yeah, those boys would be in all kinds of trouble. And now as Daddy Direction, I have to take care of you and Ellie too."

"Thanks again, but you don't have to be so protective of me, Liam. I saw that look you gave Louis." Liam was always protective of his sisters. My chances with Meg were impossible. Perrie and I. I mean, I think we were doing good. We share those special moments but when I was comforting Meg, I just wanted to hold the girl in my arms and just keep her safe. Never mind, didn't matter. Louis got her or at least would get her. I could already see them together. I could already hear Louis yelling 'SHE'S MINE!' I snapped out of my thoughts and continued to listen in.

"You're my little sister, Meg. I'm always going to be."

I heard Megan sigh. "All right, Liam. Now, let's get him up."

"ZAYN! WE'RE GONNA TAKE ALL YOUR HAIR PRODUCTS AWAY FROM YOU IF YOU DON'T GET UP!" Liam said. Not my babies! My eyes snapped open like I had just woken up.

"Wha'? Vas' happenin'?" I said, trying to sound as tired.

"We're leaving, and you've just been sleeping here." Meg said. "Now, come on, Zayn!" She said and I started to get up, yawning.

"We going back home?" I asked as we all piled into the black van. Harry was messing with the stations until Liam just finally turned it off, annoyed. Harry found it amusing and kept bugging him.

"Yeah, so you can get some more sleep?" Niall teased me as I sat by Louis. Meg was sitting next to Niall, Harry was in the front, and Liam was driving.

"It's been a long week, Nialler. And you kept me up all night last night."

"I WANNA STAY UP ALL NIGHT AND JUMP AROUND UNTIL WE SEE THE SUN!" Louis and Harry started to sing. Soon we all joined in, dancing and laughing at each other, but when we sang the line "And find a girl and tell her she's the one", I couldn't help but think of Megan. I doubt she was thinking about me though.

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