Chapter 13

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HERE IT IS YOU GUYS! I'm gonna make this note short because I know you guys wanna know what happens next so read this chapter my snowflakes! X) Enjoy!

~Dedicated to @CaitlinSrager because her comment made me laugh. IT'S NOT NICE TO STALK PEOPLE!~

*************************************************************************************************************** Chapter 13

Liam's POV

"H-He must've been at the store."

Now that I think about it, there was this one man inside who seemed to be watching me and Ellie. We were messing around on Photo Booth while we waited for someone to help us. Whoever saw these pictures, would be pretty lucky. Anyways, the man who was watching us didn't look like he worked here. By the way he walked I could tell that he had a limp or something. Maybe even drunk. He looked extremely tired, bags under his brown eyes. His hair was a bit of a mess, sticking up a little, and he really needed to shave. Ellie didn't notice this but I did.

"Meg, there was this one guy. He asked me about a daycare service in the mall. He said he was going to take Ellie while I shopped, then bring her right back." I said. "I knew there wasn't a daycare center so I said thanks, but no thanks."

Meg was as white as a ghost. Her breathing was starting to quicken.

"Meg, you gotta calm down. It'll be all right." Louis said, putting his arm around her. I let it slide. He was just comforting her.

"W-What did he look like?" She asked, taking my hand. I could tell she was really scared. I didn't blame her. I quickly did my best to describe him and Meg just kept nodding and whispering to herself, 'That's him. He's here.' I looked back to see if he was following us. In the distance, I saw him and he was already looking right at me. A cold smirk appeared on his face and his brown eyes sent a hard look my way. I felt shivers go down my spine. He started to get up and off the bench he was sitting on and my eyes widened. Meg was tugging on my shirt.

"L-Liam? W-What's going-" Her eyes followed my gaze and she put her hand over her mouth.

"Meg, get out of here!" I told her, starting to push her back, seeing as Walter was starting to run towards us. "Louis, give her your hood!" My heart was racing. Every second counted now. "Paul! Can you take her and Ellie to the van?" I barked out orders as quickly as possible. Our bodyguard nodded quickly and ran after Meg and Ellie who were already out of the mall, running through the automatic doors.

"What's going on?" Zayn asked, confused. I glanced at Louis, and we both shared the same glance.

"We'll explain later." Louis promised. My eyes scanned everywhere for Walter. He was getting closer now. Oh shoot...

"HELLO! WE ARE ONE DIRECTION!" Louis suddenly yelled at the top of his lungs. Gosh he was loud. The boys all gave him 'WTF?!' looks but I understood what he was doing. I trusted Louis on this one, and told everyone else to go along with it. Hopefully this works.

"Boo Bear? What are you doing? This is a catastrophe..." Harry smirked. "Or should I say, cat-tastrophe." Harry bursted out laughing, but we all just rolled our eyes. Harry was known for his cheesy jokes that no one ever really laughed at.

"Not the time, Harry!" Zayn said seeing a huge swarm of girls coming toward us. This was really Louis' craziest idea yet. Who knows what these fans would do to us. They started to multiply by the minute and I told everyone to back up a little bit, so we were just in front of the doors. There was no way Walter could get out now. The other way out was on the other side of the mall. While he was going that way, we could get Meg and Ellie out of here.

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