Chapter 12

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Extra chapter for everyone. I have a lot on my mind write now, so feel free to skip the author's note and the end. I'm just not having the best day...


Chapter 12

Louis' POV

"LEEEEYUMM!" I yelled, holding a ton of shopping bags. My arms felt like they were about to fall off. I looked around, and saw a red shopping cart left unattended. Niall and Harry noticed where I was looking, and we all looked at each other, smiles on our faces.

"TO THE CAAAART!" Niall yelled and we all ran to it. I jumped in the cart dropping all the bags around me.

"Why do you get to ride in it?" Harry pouted.

"Aww, I'm sorry Hazza Bear. Cool people only!" I said, sticking my tongue out. "NIALL! PUSH ME SO WE CAN RUN OFF INTO THE SUNSET...OR WHEREVER LIAM AND ELLA ARE!"

"FOR NARNIAAAA!" Niall screamed and started to push the cart.

"Wheeeeeeeee!" I said excitedly like a little kid as Harry ran alongside. I laughed at him, seeing as he was already getting tired.

"He says they're in the Apple store!" Harry said, looking at his phone.

"TO THE APPLEE STORE!" I yelled, and felt the wind rushing through my hair. This really was the best feeling. We finally made it the the Apple store and saw Liam and Ella at the cash register, talking to a woman about something.

"Leeyum!" Niall yelled as he pushed the cart around the store. Everybody was staring at us. There was a man there and he sent a hard look my way. What? You've never seen a grown man in a shopping cart full of bags? I'm special people!

"Ummm...." Liam looked down at me in the cart full of bags and of course me. I just gave him an innocent smile, and he rolled his eyes. Ellie smiled at me and Harry picked her up and put her in the cart with me. She was holding a Lotso bear so I guessed they went by the Disney store. "I don't even wanna know."

"Soooo, Leeyum, whatcha buying?"

"An iPhone for Meg."

"What's the bloody point in that?" I yelled. "She can't even use Twitter!"

"Indoor voice, Lou!" Harry said, laughing.


"Umm, sir, we're going to have to ask you to leave. Our guests are starting to feel uncomfortable." The woman said and I looked around. People were staring, some pointing and whispering. The boys and Ella were trying not to laugh, but absolutely failing.

"Ask me to leave?!" I put on an offended reaction. "Excuse me? Do you know who I am? I am freaking Lou-mmm!" Harry slapped his hand over my mouth before I could say another word.

"Sorry, he's really sassy. Can't help his annoying self." Harry apologized quickly as Niall pushed the cart out of the store. "See you outside, Liam!"

Harry was laughing at me, as we walked out of the store. "Really? Was that really necessary?"

"I am the sassmasta from Doncaster, Hazza! I thought you knew me! You said you understood me! I-I can't do this anymore..." I said and started to fake sob. Ellie was laughing.

"Is he always like this?" She whispered to Harry.

"He is. Sometimes he sings."

"DON'T YOU WISH YOUR GIRLFRIEND WAS HOT LIKE ME!" I said, dancing like crazy. "I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT!" The boys joined in but I shushed them quickly. "We have a six year old in this cart, boys! Even though we are sexy, and we know it, we must keep it G rated!"

More Than This // Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now