Chapter 10

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Hey my snowflakes! I just wanted to thank you all for such nice comments. They really mean a lot to me.

Umm, all I have to say is that someone thought I was copying someone else's story or mine was like them. Guys, I really work hard on these stories and try to make them as orignal as possible so I just wanna tell you now, that I wouldn't copy anyone else's story. Just thanks again for voting and commenting. Love you all my snowflakes. c: xx


Chapter 10

"Good morning, Mrs. Tomlinson!" I said as politely as I could when I walked into the kitchen. It was the right thing to do since I was practically in love with her son. She was looking through a magazine but looked up and smiled at me.

"Good morning, Megan. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you yesterday. I was just very tired." She said, putting the magazine aside.

"Ella didn't keep you up, did she?"

Mrs. Tomlinson shook her head, laughing softly. "Not at all, not at all. Just a bit stressed. Louis is out of the hospital so that's one less thing I have to worry about, but I still got the kids back home."

"Maybe I could help you make breakfast? My mum never really taught me how to cook."

"Really?" A smile crept on Mrs. Tomlinson's face. "Well, then, consider me your mum for the day. Now, go wash your hands, Megan. We got five grown boys to feed. Niall usually asks for seconds so let's get started!"

Mrs. Tomlinson was a really good teacher, let alone a cook. The boys must've loved having her here! The aromas of our cooking filled the air and I really liked being in the kitchen with her. So this is what mum's do with their daughters. I'd have to teach Ellie how to do these things when she got older.

"You done with that batter, Megan?" Mrs. Tomlinson asked, looking up from the bacon she was cooking, and I saw me nod. "Make sure there are no shells! Go ahead and try some of it."

I eagerly took a spoon, scooped a little of the batter, and put it in my mouth. For once, something I made actually tasted good. "It's perfect." I said smiling. Mrs. Tomlinson came over and tried a bit, then nodded in agreement.

"You're a natural, Megan."

"You can call me Meg if you want to. Either way."

"And you can call my Jay. My real name's Johanna but that's so formal, no?"

"A bit. I'll right Mrs. Tom- I mean, Jay. We can start making these pancakes!"

She smiled then plugged in the wide griddle. When it was heated up, I started to pour the batter, making small circles.

"It's nice to have another hand in the kitchen." She said, beating some eggs. I was amazed and how fast she cracked them.

"You don't even need my help! You're an amazing cook!"

"Oh stop it, you're making me blush." She joked with me.

"And did you decorate the house too?" I started to flip a few pancakes. Hey! I was getting the hang of this!

"All me, Meg! All me."

"You should decorate my room then! You're like...Martha Stewart!" I said and Jay started laughing.

"All right, all right. Go get Ella. The boys should be here soon and she'll at least want to get something to eat."

By the time I got Ellie up, cleaned up, and dressed, the boys were home.

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