Chapter 14

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THIS CHAPTER IS THEIR DATE! :D Just to give you guys a little break from all the drama with Walter and everything. BTW I loved your guys ideas of how to kill Walter you guys are evil....BUT I LIKE IT! hahaha! You all said something about him getting run over by a BIG RED BUS!

~Dedicated to @victoria_morsin because her comment made me smile. I WANT YOU TO KEEP BREATHING SO I SHALL WRITE FOR AS LONG AS I POSSIBLY CAN! ~


Chapter 14

Today, was the day of the premiere and today was a very big day. It was Louis and I's very first secret date and it'd be the first time I've been outside since we saw Walter at the mall. It's been a week since then. I guess I was just really paranoid. I spent a lot of time on Twitter and with Ellie and Mrs. Tomlinson. Sometimes Liam would bring Danielle over, so we had some girl time which was a great relief from all these boys. Zayn would probably bring Perrie tonight so I'd finally get to meet her. I had just woken up from the weirdest dream. It was so strange.

I put my hair up in a bun and walked downstairs in my PJ's. I'd been in this house long enough. We all were used to seeing each other really early in the morning, and lemme tell you, we don't exactly look gorgeous. I started to get some water to heat up for some tea. I looked through the packets, all Yorkshire since that was Louis' favorite. I was beginning to like it too.

"You're up early." I heard someone say behind me. I turned around and saw Lou in his pajamas. He rubbed his eyes, and I shrugged.

"Couldn't sleep." I said, and he wrapped his arms around my waist as I watched the water start to boil. I looked over at him as he rested his head on his shoulder.

"You ready for tonight?" I couldn't help but think that his morning voice was so sexy.

"Yes and no." I said, and kissed him on the cheek. "Scared about you know who, but I'm looking forward to spend some time with you."

"I'll protect you, love. I promise."

"I know." Something else was on my mind as I poured the hot water in the cup, careful not to spill it. Louis would probably tease me all morning if I did.

"What's on your mind, love?"

I hated that he knew me so well. Nothing got past him. It's like he could read my mind.

"Maybe I can read your mind, Meg."

"How the heck did you know I was thinking that?!"

"You were muttering again." He laughed, kissed my cheek, then looked in the fridge.

"I do not mutter!" I said, putting a bag of tea in and stirring it. "Tetrid titted tosser...bloody..."

"Muttering again!" I glared at him as I walked over to the couch and turned the TV on. I flipped through so many channels, my fingers were hurting. I wasn't in the mood for Spongebob and Cake Boss or Cupcake Wars wasn't on. Me and Niall would watch it all the time. Everything looked so good we talked about what we would eat first, then attempt to bake it. It never looked as good as it did on TV though. Louis hopped over the couch eating Coco Puffs. So that's why he's so hyper in the morning...He snatched the remote from me and flipped channels.

"Oooh! Let's see if they're talking about us!" He switched it to Access Hollywood, but all we got as some lame story about the Kardashians.

"Change it." I mumbled sipping my tea. So after a while, Lou and I eventually settled on 'What Not to Wear'.

"That is the ugliest outfit I have ever seen in my entire life." I said, putting my tea down. This wasn't actually a bad show.

"I should get a kitty sweater like that for Harry." He said.

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