26. Love in Forest

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Arham's pov:

The police has stopped searching as it become very dark and it's dangerous to go into the forest at this time. I am very worried. What to do? We can't just sit back and wait till tomorrow. If they are in trouble then who will save them. we are not even sure that they are together or not. it's really unsafe. I am so damn worried. It's 12:00 in the night. Everyone dispersed to their rooms that we will go searching tomorrow early morning. Yazan is not listening he want to go there but he is just a kid. I can't get more people in trouble. I am the eldest here and it's my responsibility to protect them. Ruhaani was out of control but somehow we managed to make her sleep. I can't just sit back wait till tomorrow morning. I have to go insearch of them. Aarzoo is with Aliza and Yarah. Kids are with her. I was busy with officers and kids were sleepy so I told her to sleep with them. It will be hard for her to handle kids alone.

I took the bag which police officers used while search and was about to leave my room. When I saw Aarzoo coming towards me. No..no..what is she doing here?

She said,"Arham..Where are you going?"

I don't know what to answer. If I tell her truth then she will want to accompany me. She will not listen even if I say no. She is very stubborn but I can't let her to get in trouble.

I said,"I am going out"

She rolled her eyes and said,"I know that but where are you going?"

I said,"I-I.."

She said,"I know you are going insearch of them and I am coming with you."

I said,"No..you are not. Aarzoo listen to me. Kids need you. Zara is also not there."

She said,"Yarah and Aliza will look after them. Please Arham. I am going crazy over here.I will come with you."

She kept that cute innocent puppy eyes which make me weak.

I said,"okay but I have a condition."

She said,"What?"

I said,"You have to forgive me for thinking that you and Ahaan-"

She said,"No..Never. You will not be forgiven so easily. "

I said,"Then you are not coming with me."

She glared at me and said," Arham if you won't take me then I will go alone. Now it's your choice what you want to do? you want me to go alone or with you."

I told you she is very stubborn.

I said,"Okay fine. You win I lose now let's go."

I tried to hold her hand but she moved away.

She said,"I told you you can't touch me. I am angry with you."

Till when she is going to be angry with me. She is torturing me. I don't know how I stayed away from her for this long. Now I don't want to stay a second away from her.

I sighed and said,"okay come let's go"

We walked into the forest and Aarzoo moved closer to me then held my hand. I looked at her who was too scared so I took her hand in mine but she didn't protest this time. I smiled to myself finally I got to hold her hand.

We are not sure where to look for them it's all dark. We are shouting their name but no response.

After sometime Aarzoo said,"I am tired. Let's sit for a while. "

I placed the blanket on ground which was in bag and we both sat on it. I tired to wrap my arm around her but she moved away. I sighed..till when I will get this cold treatment. This is kind of our honeymoon and My wife is not allowing me to touch her poor me.

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