52. Real or not

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Arham's pov:

My head is pounding..I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. Why am I in a bus? Slowly it dawn upon me. I came for site visit, I met Aarzoo, we made love..She was here with me..We had snacks then....Why can't I remember after that?

I looked around no one was here. I came out of bus and the rain has also stopped.

I was running like a mad man calling her name. She was no where. It can't be a dream. It felt so real..it can't be my imagination. Aarzoo..where are you?

If she was here then why she left? Where she left? Was she really here? Ya Allah please show me a hint, please give me some clue that she was here..please..please..

I should search the bus..I looked everywhere but I found nothing...no sign of her. How is this possible?

I dejectedly sat down on seat. May be it was a hallucination. I was missing her too much. Everything was reminding about her. May be I was dreaming the whole time but I am not able to accept this fact. My heart says she was really here. Ya Allah please please show me some sign.

Just then my eyes on the seat where I slept. In the corner of it almost dangling below the seat, only with it's end stuck in the screw, there is a chain. The custom made 'A' chain which I brought for her from London but was not able to give her four years back. I gave it to her on Yarah's marraige on the day she got missing. I am sure it's the same chain. She was here. Then why she left? I need to find out. I have to start looking for her again. I will get my answers when I find her. You can't run away from Aarzoo. Your Arham is coming for you.

Zara's pov:

After the picnic around 6 pm we reached the resort. We are all dismissed to our rooms as everyone was tired. Especially Ruhaani she was running and playing whole time with Ruhaan. I have never seen her this happy. I am happy and scared as well. I don't trust Ruhaan. What if he break my daughter's heart. No...I will not let that happen. I will be there for her. She will be fine. She is sleeping beside me peacefully. Ya Allah please let my daughter have her father's love in her life. Don't take him away from her.

It's getting dark Arham is not back yet. As per Zubair he should be back by now. Rain also stopped long time back. I called him. His phone is not reachable. I am getting worried now. I waited for another hour still no news from him. I am getting panic now. Ya Allah keep him safe. I reluctantly went to Ruhaan's room to ask his help. I would have taken Zubair but his leg is injured. I don't want to go alone. Yazan and Saleekh..I don't want to disturb them. They came on vacation after long time.

I knocked on his door. He was shocked to see me.

I said,"I need your help in looking for Arham. He is not back yet."

He said,"okay but where you want to start from? Have you tried his number?"

I said,"Yes, it's unreachable. I think first we should go the site. "

He said,"okay give me 2 mins."

I came to my room. I took Ruhaani to Zubair room and requested him to look after her when I am gone. He agreed. He was also worried that Arham is not back. He called the people who came show the place. They said he left long time back.

Me and Ruhaan left in the resort car as Arham taken the tour bus.

My hands were shaking..I am scared. I don't want to lose him like we lost Aarzoo and Yahya. He will be fine but it's been hours since he left. He is not at home I called his fiancee. Not at office..where can he be?

Ruhaan placed his hand on mine.

He said,"He will be fine don't worry."

I removed my hand from his..

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