44. Ruhaani

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Zara's pov:

I quickly got ready as I have important meeting today. Hopefully everything goes fine. I have to control my anger as well because Zubair irrirates me a lot. He is Zohaan's friend so I can't even be harsh with him. One thing I like about him is he is too nice with Ruhaani. I don't know why whenever she comes to meet us He always insists to meet Ruhaani.

I came out of my thoughts when Zohaan knocked on my door.

He said,"Why are you always lost in thoughts?"

I said,"Nothing like that. Have you reviewed my presentation which I sent with changes?"

He said,"Yeah. It's perfect as ususl. Let's go now otherwise we will late."

I went to Pari's room and Ruhaani was still slepping. She is getting tired very easily these days. I hope everything is fine with her. I am little tensed. I have to collect her reports today evening.

I kissed my babies forehead and requested Pari to take care of Ruhaani in my absence.

I know she will but still I am mom and it's very hard to leave Ruhaani to go to work. I am a single mom so I have no choice.

We reached office along with Asmara. Today is her first day in office. Shahyan will be here soon. I am not sure how it's going turn out. I hope they keep their differences aside and move on. Very few people have opportunity to get the one she loved as their parents we should not lose it for small reasons. I hope they understand how lucky they are that life is giving them second chance. People like me didn't even get one chance to be with the one we desire.

Zohaan said,"You are lost again. I don't understand about whom you are daydreaming all the time."

Then he said,"Don't tell me you are thinking about Zubair. Are you falling for him?"

I glared at him and said,"Shut up. Love has no place in my life. I haven't fallen for anyone."

Just then I don't know from where Zubair appeared and said,"I wish to change that soon."

He looked around and said,"You didn't bring my sweetheart Ruhaani. I told you I wanted to see her."

I sighed and said,"This is office. Please for once act like professional."

He said,"Fine..let's finish meeting and we can talk aboit personal stuff over lunch."

I said,"We will see that later. Let's start with meeting. "

We got the deal. After which me and Zubair went on lunch on his insistence.

He can be very persuasive.

The first time I met him I didn't like him at all. He was too playful for my liking. With time I started liking him.

He said,"Let's pick Ruhaani as well."

I said,"She is not well."

He looked worried and said,"What happened to her?"

I said,"She is getting tired easily and complains constantly about headache. She lost conscious in three days ago. I took her to hospital. I will get the reports in today evening."

He said,"I will come with you."

I said,"Why? Why you care for Ruhaani so much?"

He said,"She reminds me of someone whom I lost with my stupidity."

I said,"Who?"

He smiled and said,"That's story for another time."

I said,"You always say that."

He said,"if you say yes to my proposal then I will tell you."

I said,"No thanks. I am not interested in marrying you."

He said,"Why? Since when are you going to reject me?"

I said,"Zubair..I-I am not ready for marriage and I never be."

He said,"Don't say never. I feel like you are going to say yes soon. "

I glared at him so he said,"Okay Let's eat now.  I will not talk About it, okay?"

I said,"You better not otherwise I will leave."

We had lunch then we got back to office. In the evening he joined me to collect the reports. I was so anxious.

I was so nervous I felt like Iam going to faint. I kept praying that everything is fine with Ruhaani. My heart is so restless..

Doctor gave reports to me and said," I know it will be hard for you but you need to be strong for your daughter. "

I started panicking and said,"W-What happened to my daughter?"

He said,"Ruhaani has blood cancer."

My heart stopped beating for a second. My baby has blood cancer. No. I heard it wrong..Ruhaani ..she is just 4 year old kid. How can she have blood cancer no...

I said,"There has to be something wrong. You test again. My baby is fine."

Tears flowed from eyes. Zubair grabbed my hand which is shaking.

Doctor said,"I am sorry but the reports are correct."

Zubair said,"There has to be a treatment for it. Don't worry about money. Please save Ruhaani"

Doctor said,"We have to do a bone marrow transplant as soon as possible. Usually parents or siblings DNA matches with the patient."

Zubair said,"Ruhaani is only child."

He said,"We can test Parents bone marrow. If anyone of them matches with patient. We can perform surgery as soon as possible."

I said,"Her father is not with us. You can test mine. I am sure it will match with her."

He said,"okay. we will test it now and you can get the reports tomorrow."

They did some tests on me and Zubair dropped me home.  I forbid him from telling this truth to anyone.

I was sitting with Ruhaani in my room. I can't believe she is suffering from cancer. I am so scared. I Can't live if anything happens to her. My daughter is my life. Please Allah have mercy on me. Don't her away from me.

Next day I went collect the reports. Zubair accompanied me.

Doctor said,"Sorry Ms.Zara your bone marrow didn't match with your daughter. We need to do this transplant as soon as possible so Please get in contact with her father. He is our last hope otherwise it will be hard to save her."

Her Father...Ruhaan...will he help me? 

His last words replayed on my mind..

"I was lying before. You are so naive. You fell into my trap. It was fun till when it lasted but I can't lose my love over a fling. Adira is always my priority. I can't live without her. I already lost my baby because of my stupidity. I will not do it again so don't call me or message me."

"Marriage? Divorce? Are you kidding me? That child play was not marraige. I can't believe you took seriously. We are not married and never were. There is no need to divorce. Stop connecting my name with yours. We have non relation. Do me favour and stay away from me."

"I feel pity for you. You should not trust people so easily. No one is forcing me. I know how to prove you. Me and Adira are getting married again in a week. I think this will clear all your doubts. Sorry but not sorry for hurting you. You deserve it for being so naive. At least now open your eyes and change yourself."

Adira will never let him help me. How will I save my daughter? I am sos scared right now. My baby..My daughter. Black dots appeared before my eyes and I lost conscience..

When I woke up I was in hospital bed.

Zubair said,"Thank god. You are awake. I am sorry but I informed Zohaan. He contacted Ruhaani's father. He will be here soon.."

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