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Exiting the nurses room the two looked at each other quickly before walking down the corridor. Jonathan briefly looked at the plasters on his arms and hands, Willow looked at them briefly too before looking down at the floor. Since only knowing her for about an hour this was the first time she was silent.

"Do you often get into fights with this Bo person?"

"Why do you make it sound like I instigate the fight?" Jonathan narrowed his eyes down at her.

"It takes two people, you must have done something."

"I didn't do anything!" He exclaimed angrily at her before picking his pace up and walking away from her. Willow sighed and ran after him, he didn't look too pleased by her appearance again.

"What lesson have you got now?" She asked simply.

"History." Jonathan answered in an equal simple tone. Willow nodded and crossed her arms. Letting out a sigh she was about to say something else but got beat to it by a dark blonde haired boy.

He was a few inches shorter than Jonathan, but whereas Jonathan was tall and skinny, this boy was shorter and stockier. "Who's your girlfriend, Ichabod?"

Jonathan narrowed his eyes at the other boy and looked down at Willow. "She's not my girlfriend, in fact she's not even a friend."

"I'm Willow." She waved at the shorter of the two males.

"Bo," he replied and eyed her up. She took a step back and in fact almost stood hiding behind Jonathan. Like he was going to be of any help considering before them stood the boy who hit him earlier. "So, what are you doing hanging around with him?" Bo jabbed a thumb in Jonathan's direction.

"He was showing me the way out." Willow smiled and rocked on her heels. She was trying to be as innocent as she could. Showing someone the way out may have actually been a good plan if they weren't already standing near the exit. Sensing how stupid her words were, Jonathan shot a look in her direction, she just smiled up at him. "Thank you, Jonathan." Willow smiled and walked towards the door. She stopped and looked back however when Bo had taken to whispering harshly at her tall companion. Walking back over she put a hand to her chin. "In other thoughts, can you help me please, Jonathan?" Bo glared at her because she'd interrupted, whereas Jonathan just looked mildly confused before nodding slowly.

Sure he probably wasn't grateful of her intervening, but anything right now would be better than standing here. Willow didn't answer but instead latched onto his wrist and ran off. Bo exclaimed after both of them. Running out of the reception room and down the corridor Willow didn't let off pulling Jonathan until they were outside. The sunlight shone down on them as both stood to catch their breaths.

"You didn't need to get involved." Willow looked at Jonathan when he spoke. "More like you shouldn't have got involved. He's going to target you when you start." Jonathan paused. "He would target you anyway because it's only natural to tease the new kid in school...but even so..."

"I get whatcha saying!" Willow huffed and crossed her arms. She watched Jonathan walk towards the main school building. She walked after him, "You sure you want to stay in school?"

"What are you on about?"

"Care to ditch school?"

"I can't," Jonathan looked over his shoulder at her.

"Sure you can." Willow smiled. "Like staying here after that's wise? Honestly?" Willow quickly looked over her shoulder to see Bo glaring at them from the steps.

Against his better judgement Jonathan nodded and walked towards a locker. Typing in the code he pulled open the door and tugged out his books. Pulling his bag from on top of the locker he stuffed his books in there and looked at her. "We better leave when classes change over."

"When do they change?"

"In a minute," he looked to the side, a few seconds later students swamped the corridors. Nodding towards the door, Willow walked after Jonathan quickly. The two of them effortlessly managed to leave the school grounds.


Sitting in a café nursing a cup, Willow peered over the table and tried to read Jonathan's book upside down.

He stopped writing and looked up at her. "Can I help you?"

"I wanted to know what you were doing."

"You couldn't have asked?"

"What are you doing, Jonathan?"


"You're doing homework while ditching school?" Willow looked at him stupidly. "Why?"

Putting down his pen and crossing his arms Jonathan leaned back in his chair. "Because unlike you I haven't got a week off."

"You make me sound like I could be a possible slacker."

"Just don't come to me when you need help with homework." Jonathan said while sitting up again. "Because I won't help you."

"Who said I'd ask you for help?"

"Oh, you would," smiling lightly he quickly glanced at her before taking to scribbling in his book again.

Humming lightly Willow took to playing with the straw in her cup. "Where do you live?" She questioned simply, there was a clattering sound from in front of her which made her jump. Looking over to see that Jonathan had knocked his pencil case and its content on the floor she raised an eyebrow.

"W-why do you want to know that for?" He asked quietly while taking to picking everything up. He shot her a narrow eyed look, Willow sighed. His change in moods happened so regularly it was hard to keep up.

"Because!" Willow exclaimed and drunk some of her drink quickly. "If I need help with homework how else am I meant to get in contact with you apart from school?" Jonathan narrowed his eyes even more. "All right," sighing she rolled her eyes. "I want to know if you live near me."


"Because," she pressed and coughed lightly. "We're possibly friends?" Jonathan scoffed and rolled his eyes at this. Smirking in her direction he shook his head. Was being friends that much of a funny topic to him?


(Edited: 27/Sep/2019) 

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