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A heavy clanking sound woke Willow up. Looking over her shoulder she watched as the latch across the door slid open. A pair of eyes looked in at her, Willow narrowed her eyes and looked back to the wall in front of her. A night in a cell wasn't as eventful as she had hoped, Willow rolled her eyes at the slightly sarcastic thought. How could being locked away in something which was fifteen paces wide and about twenty paces long be eventful? The latch slid back across the door and clanked shut. A jangling of keys caught her attention, her ears pricked at the sound and became even more alert when the door open.

"Miss Butler," a voice said quietly. Willow rolled onto her back and sat up, flinging her legs over the hard bench which was also being used as a bed she looked up.

She remembered the brown haired man in front of her, "Commissioner Gordon, right?"

"Yes," the man nodded with a light sigh.

"Good morning." Willow pushed back and leaned her back against the wall. The sunlight of the day so far filtered through the window above her. "What's going on?"

"You're being let go."


"Yes," the elder man seemed a little torn on this. "Despite being on the scene, there is nothing which ties you to the crimes which were done. Therefore we have no reason to keep you here." He explained, Willow nodded slowly understanding his words. "However," he continued, Willow frowned lightly. "You cannot leave the country, you leave the country and you'll get bought back. You need to be accessible in case we need to interview you at a later date." Willow stood up and brushed her trousers down. "We also suggest in going to see someone, one last thing; your parents are here."

"Right..." Willow trailed off thoughtfully, Commissioner Gordon stepped out of her cell and gestured down the hall.

"Come on, Miss Butler," he said in an almost kind tone. Willow put her hands in her jacket pockets and followed him down the corridor. Standing at the reception desk were two familiar people.

Sue ran a hand through her greying hair, whereas Kevin stood with his hands in his pockets. Willow resisted the urge to comment on how embarrassing this was. But when she pondered over this, she quickly figured a lot more embarrassing situations had happened than her parents appearing to pick her up.

"Commissioner, can I ask you something?" Willow questioned before they reached the desk. Receiving a nod she sighed and quickly thought over her words. "What will happen to Jonathan?"

The Commissioner looked troubled, it was like he expected her to ask this question, yet he hadn't the right words to use to answer. "He's in a lot of trouble." He started, Willow frowned and her eyes saddened. "He'll be put on trial, and from there he'll either go to jail or be admitted to the asylum."

"You think he's crazy?" Willow crossed her arms loosely, the Commissioner sighed and looked at her.

"Do you think he's wholly sane, off the record."

"Well for off the record, Jonathan's always been a little...strange." Willow shrugged, "Thank you, Commissioner Gordon," Willow smiled lightly and walked over to where Sue and Kevin were standing. They both looked at her with narrowed eyes and stood idly watching as she signed papers for her release.


"Good afternoon, Officer Roberts." Jonathan smiled from his position in his chair, "Do my legs honestly need to be chained to the chair legs? It's not like I can run anywhere is it?"

"It's regulation."

"Oh, really?" Jonathan looked back down at his chained up ankles. He thought it was ridiculous. Like there was any way he'd be able to swiftly exit this building. He'd be shot before he even stepped outside the door, he knew this, he wasn't stupid. "So, Officer Roberts, are you going to interview me, hm?"

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