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The party went well, although Jonathan kept getting dragged around by an overexcited sugar rush fuelled Willow. Standing outside in the car park the scarecrow and the rag-doll looked around and watched as cars arrived to pick up some costumed teenagers.

"Well, well, well," an all too familiar voice said from around the side of the building. Jonathan and Willow looked over and watched Bo, who was typically dressed as a werewolf, appear with his little group of friends. "What a cute doll you make!" He exclaimed and took to circling around Willow. She crossed her arms, Jonathan could tell she was trying to do the one thing Kevin had put huge emphasis on: staying out of trouble. As soon as Willow opened her mouth and answered back, trouble would happen. She wasn't the wisest person with words, which was pretty annoying. Jonathan crossed his arms and frowned when Bo walked over and circled him. "Oh," Bo said while running a finger over the scythe blade.

"You shouldn't touch that." Jonathan said deadly seriously while looking over his shoulder at the werewolf.

"Why not? Ya gonna whip it from your back and lop my hand off?" Bo laughed comically and ran his finger over the blade again. He hissed though and looked at his finger when blood oozed out from a cut.

"No, because it's sharp." Jonathan gave a shrug. "As for how do you put it, lopping off your hand? No, that doesn't interest me one bit." Jonathan said in a hard tone, beside him Willow looked confused. She'd never heard him speak in such a serious way, it generally made her a little fearful of her friend.

Bo grimaced and wiped his bleeding finger on his torn shirt. The real blood was disguised by the fake blood he'd splashed onto himself. "Well," Bo grinned. "Ichabod finally found his voice! Is this courage suddenly bought on by his girlfriend being by his side? Who knows, let's find out." With this Bo grabbed a hold of Willow's arm and twirled her around and put his other arm around her shoulders. She looked stunned and couldn't move because Bo was still gripping tightly on her arm. Jonathan didn't move, he uncrossed his arms and reached into a small pouch which was attached onto his belt. To everyone it just seemed like he was fiddling around trying to find something. "His voice has gone again," Bo sighed and patted Willow on the shoulder. He was about to say something else when Jonathan dropped three little items no bigger than marbles onto the floor. From the small smashing sounds the marble items made when they impacted against the ground, smoke soon swamped the area. Everyone coughed, the smoke was dense which was surprising considering it came from such little objects.

Willow put a hand over her mouth and coughed, she couldn't see. She yelped though when a gloved hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her forward into a run. "I can't," Willow said with difficulty while trying to run. She couldn't run when she was coughing so much. Soon stopping she looked up and put both her hands over her mouth to conceal her coughing. "What was that?"

"Smoke pellets."

"W-what?" Willow looked at Jonathan confused. "Where did you get them from?"

"I made them." He answered a little too simply for her liking, taking a step back she eyed him hesitantly.

"You made them and you bought them here? Were you expecting to need them?"

"Well, whether I expected it or not; they still came in handy didn't they?" Jonathan shrugged and looked back towards the school car park which was fully enveloped in grey smoke.

"We should get going," Willow nodded and walked down the street. By now all the trick or treaters had gone home. The walk back to her house was silent, once they did arrive and knock on the door it was Sue who answered. She looked startled by her adoptive daughters appearance, and obviously there was more of a startled look in her eyes because of Jonathan. "Hello," Willow smiled and walked inside when Sue had finished eyeing them up.

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