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The subway networks were dark and rusty. The air was stale and visibility was poor. Jonathan held a torch tightly in his hand and waved it around to check the area over. The pathway was intact so it made travelling a lot easier. There was no need to climb over broken rails, or chunks of walls.

"Chugga, chugga, choo, choo!" A voice exclaimed from behind him, Jonathan frowned and looked over his shoulder. Willow seemed to be getting great pleasure out of repeating this at different pitches just to hear the echo of her voice. Letting out a giggle, she ran after him. It was odd, the darkness down here seemingly didn't affect her in the same way the darkness in the basement had. Jonathan shook his head, perhaps it was because he was here. His company had a habit of making Willow act differently to how she naturally acted. Or maybe it was the torch, having a sensible source of light did make the surroundings a little more bearable.

Noticing the sudden silence Jonathan looked to the side. Willow's eyes looked up from behind green lenses. "What's with the sudden silence, hm?"

"I'm thinking."


"Hey! Like I'd tell you!" She laughed and playfully punched him on the arm.

Jonathan looked down at the paper in his hand, Willow's directions were a little jumbled. But they were understandable and they were easy to follow. Stopping near a door, Jonathan looked from the paper to the door, "Come on, Willow."

"Aye, aye!" Willow saluted and walked after him. Beyond the door was a dark staircase, their footsteps echoed on the stone steps. At the top was a small corridor which led to a door. Jonathan folded the paper up and moved out of the way as Willow crouched down and picked the lock. Standing back up straight she pocketed the little items she used and zipped the pouch back up.

"Avoid the cameras." Jonathan said while opening the door, a ladder led up, Willow frowned. It was very enclosed in this space.

"You go first, I'll follow." Willow said while fidgeting from foot to foot. Jonathan turned and looked at her. "Go! I promise I will be right behind you. I just can't go first." She shook her head and rubbed her arms.

Jonathan nodded and started to climb up the ladder while managing to hold the torch still as he went. He stopped climbing and listened as Willow had a conversation with herself before her footsteps were heard climbing up the ladder too. Reaching the top of the ladder, Jonathan carefully pushed up the manhole cover. Switching the torch off, he peered around the room which the little passageway was in. Pulling himself out he held out his hands and helped Willow up.

"Horrid," she whispered silently and shuddered. Looking up she frowned, "There's two cameras in here." Her fingers pointed to the far corners. The cameras were pointing down towards the doors, not in their direction.

"Good, come on." Standing up and pulling his mask out of his bag he led the way to the sorting room. Opening the door, the two of them were confronted with heaps, mounds and piles of holiday post. Willow rubbed her hands together and took to helping Jonathan. Carefully the two of them managed to pour some of the liquid onto as many presents as they could. Willow even went as far as putting some on letters. "Willow, don't waste it on a bill."

"Jonathan, it's the Christmas holidays. Presents are nice, bills are horrid. They're the downside to the holidays. Think of how high the electricity bills are with some people who go over the top with lights and decorations."

"Your words don't really justify why you're wasting it."

"Erm...to make a bill more horrid?"

"That I can understand." Jonathan said while zipping up the bag. Carefully exiting the room they made their way to the little passageway and climbed down.

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