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Being surrounded by pieces of paper and books was not exactly how Willow wanted to spend what was meant to be dinner time. Reaching over and grabbing a chip she idly ate it while writing down the route of a subway network. She was writing it in simple terms which she'd understand. She even drew a little diagram, Willow knew Jonathan would probably not understand much of what she had written but as long as she understood it, she didn't really care.

Looking up when Jonathan entered the kitchen and sat down, Willow smiled. "You done?"

He shook his head and held out a piece of paper to her. "What do you think?" Willow took the paper from his hands and looked over the writing.

"Erm," musing over her thoughts Willow looked up. "I don't get it, there isn't anything...anything....which is..." Willow said slowly, Jonathan tilted his head to the side. "I hate you, so much." The paper in her hands got crumpled up in her fists.

Jonathan just sat and watched as Willow shot up from the chair she was sitting in and ran out of the room. Reaching across and turning the paper around which she was writing on Jonathan nodded. He was glad to see that she was doing the task which he had set her. Although she seemed to have almost finished.

Standing up and walking out of the room Jonathan had it in mind to go see where Willow had disappeared to. Staring worriedly at the open door, he walked over and stepped outside. The cold winter night air greeted him, his eyes flicked around the front of the church. Stepping outside slowly, he continued to look around. There was no lighting out here, the nearest street lamp flickered and fail to spark into life. Walking down the path, Jonathan looked over the closed gate. Willow hadn't ventured out into the street. Hearing a scream he turned quickly and walked briskly back the way he came. Walking around the side of the building he frowned when he came to a set of double doors.

These double doors led down, the wood which made up the doors had been broken and fractured. The mound of snow which was surrounding the double doors was now unsettled and footsteps were imprinted on it. The screaming, which Willow saw fit to keep going, was getting worse. Patting his pockets, Jonathan pulled out a lighter and walked down the steps slowly. The steps creaked under his weight from the lack of being used. Reaching the end of the stairs he looked around with his arm outstretched, the flame which the lighter had didn't give off much light.

Squinting and turning around he looked back up the way he came. Slowly his eyes drifted downwards, "How'd you get back there?" He questioned, Willow sat curled up behind the stairs. She looked up at him and scooted backwards in the shadows. Jonathan made a mental note that the toxin which was absorbed into the paper seemed to be quite strong. He didn't know how strong or weak it'd be until he put it to the test. From Willow's reaction Jonathan was happy that that was the right strength. He wouldn't meddle with it anymore and simply recreate it. Walking around the side, Jonathan stopped and crouched down. "Come on, Willow it's all right. Did you fall and hurt yourself?"

"You don't care," she whispered to him. "Why would you care? You don't care, you're here to fulfil and maybe erase a guilty conscious." She leaned forward. "Go away, and leave me alone." Willow eyed up the flame with narrowed eyes before leaning backwards again and disappearing into the shadows.

Jonathan made a thoughtful noise, this toxin seemed to not totally block out the power of speech. If anything this was the most sense Willow had ever spoken since being tested on. "That's nonsense, I can't leave you down here can I? It's going to snow again later, you'll freeze down here, Willow."

"Ha!" Willow laughed and swatted his hand away when he went to help her up. "You don't care!" Pushing past him Willow scampered off to hide somewhere else in the basement.

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