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Gotham wasn't such a bad place in the day. Willow rubbed her hands together and walked into a store. She was shopping, or comfort shopping. After being drugged and hallucinating for the past few days and months, Willow dearly thought she deserved something for it.

So, when Jonathan announced he was off to work, Willow said she was joining him in the taxi ride too. Only she got dropped off before the taxi reached the harbour. Pulling her long beanie hat more on her head, Willow rolled her eyes. Perhaps Gotham was just as bad in the day as it was in the night. Leaning past a rail of tops, Willow watched as some random woman had her handbag snatched from her. No one stopped the man, no one saw if the woman was all right.

Frowning and turning away, Willow paid for her things and left. There was something so very wrong with this city. Rolling her eyes skyward, she shook her head, continuing on her exploration she ended up at the harbour. It was a dark dingy place, a lone boat sat and Willow eyed it suspiciously while sitting on a bench eating a chocolate bar. A chocolate bar which she was classing as lunch. From her sitting position the island which housed the asylum could clearly be seen. An eerie fog hung above the churning dark water and seemed to drift at its own pace.

As far as places to keep people go, they had the right idea sticking them over there. Pulling out her phone and getting a new message up she typed in one word and sent it. A few seconds later her phone went off again. Willow smiled and threw the chocolate bar wrapper in the bin. The simple message was one of, "Lunch?" Was replied with, "See you in fifteen minutes." Willow crossed her legs on the bench and sat awaiting for Jonathan.


The ride back to the mainland was slow. It was very annoying that the only way to get to Arkham Island was by boat. By the time the boat reached the dock, Jonathan could clearly see Willow sitting cross legged on a bench. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of the bags surrounding her.

"You've been busy I can see." He said when he reached the bench. Willow looked up from her phone and nodded slowly.

"Yes, this city may be rather horrid. But the shops aren't half bad." Willow smiled and uncrossed her legs. Standing up she gripped onto her bags and walked alongside him out of the harbour.

Soon sitting at a table near a window, Jonathan looked over at the woman in front of him. "May I ask why we're here?"

"Lunch is more enjoyable with company." Willow answered while pushing her head from her hand. Reaching up and pulling her hat off, she ran a hand through her dark curls. "Not only that I've been thinking."

"Again?" Jonathan smiled lightly and leaned back in his chair. "What about this time? More thoughts of moving out?"

Willow rolled her eyes at his sarcastic tone. "No." She answered shortly while picking up her glass and drinking some of the water. "We need some ground rules."

Jonathan raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms loosely. "I think it should be me saying that. After all you are staying in my home."

"Well you've been very lacking in making any rules." Willow leaned forward. "The only rule you've seemed to have made is: Willow is the only person I'll test on." She eyed up the people sitting around them making sure they hadn't heard her words.

Jonathan rolled his eyes. "Go on then, I'm interested to hear what rules you've come up with."

"Sarcasm gets you nowhere," Willow muttered and narrowed her eyes in his direction. "Stop using me as a lab rat." She held up a finger, "Now that's a mighty big rule, and I have to already admit I don't think you'll stick to it." Willow leaned her head against her hand and looked up at the waitress who appeared with their food. Both Jonathan and Willow smiled kindly up at the brunette and said a quiet thank you, once the woman turned away they turned and looked at each other seriously again.

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