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Waking up to things being moved and smashed, Willow shot up and looked around. She was on her own, it was now night time judging from the darkness past the window. Slowly moving from the bed, she stepped out of the room and stuck to the wall. If she was on her own, who was seeing fit to moving things around and breaking what didn't belong to them?

Flicking her eyes around the room she quickly ran, which was a hard task to do with her twisted ankle, to the nearest pillar. Standing behind it, she peeked around before moving up to the one next to it. Willow kept doing this action until she was near the end of the aisle. Above her was the stairs leading upwards to the other rooms, across from her was the confessional and the narrow staircase which led up to the tower.

Watching as a man came strolling out from the confessional, Willow frowned. She didn't know this man, not that she really knew any apart from Jonathan. Edging around the pillar she continued to watch the man as he turned an item over in his hands. Willow frowned even more when the man threw the outer shell of a possible bomb over his shoulder, luckily there wasn't anything inside it.

"All of this is shit, there's nothing useful here!" The man called out just as another man walked out of the kitchen and joined his side. He nodded agreeing before running a hand through his dark hair.

"Well I don't know," a voice replied behind Willow, turning and looking towards another man she smiled sheepishly. "Who do we have here?" The man walked forwards from the shadows. Willow moved backwards avoiding him, or at least trying to.

"Well, well, well," the man behind her replied and leaned against the back of a pew. "Where'd you come from, little Miss?"

"Funny story that," Willow smiled and waved a hand at him casually.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this? You live here? All this junk is yours? I have to say there's some freaky shit lurking about in here." The man in front of her said while narrowing his grey eyes at her. Willow smacked his hand away when he went to run it through her hair. This action angered the man who in turn back handed her around the face. Willow spun and fell to the floor, her balance was usually so perfect, mentally cursing her injured ankle she pushed herself up on the floor. Rubbing her face she looked up at him, and then at the other two men who'd joined his friends side.

"Three blind mice, three blind mice." Willow looked up to see Jonathan idly leaning his head against his hand, his elbow perched on the wooden banister.

Willow pushed herself along the floor when Jonathan nonchalantly threw something down to the floor which landed in the middle of them. Smoke erupted up from the floor, the three men shielded their mouths and noses but it didn't do them any good. Willow pulled her jumper over her mouth and nose, but she knew it wouldn't do much good. In the end she crawled under a pew and curled in on herself.

The three men all in turn started to scream and panic. "See how they run, see how they run." Jonathan said lightly while his footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. "I don't like trespassers, in most places trespassers will be shot. I would abide by this but I don't wish to deal with any corpses." Jonathan shrugged, "Not only that I don't have a gun to hand." He looked around and watched the grown men crouch on the floor snivelling to themselves. Each muttered something, eventually their mental states couldn't last much longer and their eyes rolled backwards. Lifting up the sleeve on his shirt Jonathan shrugged. "A fraction of a second." Walking over he crouched down. "But in comparison none come close to you." He said while pulling his mask off, the smoke had gone and unless he wanted to mentally scar Willow anymore than she already was, his mask was no longer needed. Upon seeing him though Willow screamed and fidgeted backwards more. Looking at his watch again, Jonathan nodded slowly. "Fifteen seconds. Your longest time is twenty seconds, can you beat that record?" Willow muttered something horrid in his direction, Jonathan frowned he didn't take too kindly to being called names regardless if she wasn't in her right state of mind or not. Jonathan's eyes watched as Willow's seemingly only rational thing to do was to crawl under the pews to get away from him.

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