2: Tested

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Namjoon pulled the gate open and Hoseok held out a bucket. As the new arrivals entered, they dropped their weaponry in the bucket, and Jin led them in through the inner gates and into the manor house. 

"You have to have a blood test first," Jin said, leading them into the med bay, "Once that's done, we'll get you something to eat and introduce ourselves,"

"Thank you," One of the women smiled at him and Jin nodded, before stepping back.

Taehyung sat grumpily in the med bay, needle in hand. Bee was sat on the other side of the room, a gun resting on her lap as she watched the new people; Jimin had decided it would be best if she was there to control Taehyung, but he insisted she be armed, just in case.

"Sit," He snapped at the first man, "Put that guy on a bed,"

After quickly glancing at each other, they did as they were told and in turn, were each jabbed by Taehyung's needle.

"Can you see to Jongup? He's-"

"Shut up, I'm busy," Taehyung was lifting the blood test results up, carefully inspecting them.

"Why're you being so goddamn rude?" The Captain snapped, "We're-"

"I said shut up!" Taehyung growled, whirling around to face him, "I don't have to be nice to you, so I'm telling you to be quiet,"

As the Captain frowned and reached forward to grab Taehyung, Bee cleared her throat and cocked the gun on her lap, "Don't touch him," She said calmly, "Tae, calm down,"

Taehyung looked over at her and turned his back on the group, continuing to work, "All clear," He muttered, "You can get out of my med bay now,"

Bee sighed and stood up as Jin led the new group into the kitchen, "Leave the injured man here, We'll help him,"

"I will help him," Taehyung corrected her, "He looks sick, you can't be near him. You go with them,"


"I'm fine. I won't do anything I shouldn't,"

Bee paused for a moment, and moved closer to him, "I wasn't going to say anything about that," She said, "I trust you. I was going to apologise,"

Taehyung looked up at her in shock, "What for?"

"Putting you under so much pressure and stress. I'm not sure really how to help, but you know you can talk to me, Tae,"

There was silence between them, interrupted only by the raspy breathing of the man on the bed.

"You don't need to apologise," He said, "I put myself under the stress. I just want you- and everyone else- to be safe. Letting in other people is not safe, but I'll just do my job. Sergeant Park is in charge,"

Bee sighed and shook her head, "Tae-"

"I think you should leave the room," He said, pulling on a surgical mask and a pair of gloves, "I'm going to examine this guy. If he's sick, you could get sick, too,"

He turned his back and Bee sighed again, before heading into the kitchen area, where the others were waiting.

Jimin was by the door and wrapped his arm around her waist as she entered the room.

"Time to tell us who you are," He said, fixing the four new people with a stare.

The captain of the group, who was earlier introduced as Jung Daehyung spoke up, "I'm Daehyun. This is Himchan, Em An and Jojo. The injured man is Jongup. We found him a few weeks ago. We've been out there for the past month I think, and we were really running out of ideas,"

Jimin watched them carefully as he spoke, and when he finished, he nodded his head.

"I'm Jimin, this is my wife, Bee. My second in command, Namjoon and Yoongi," He nodded in the direction of each person as he spoke, "Hoseok and Jin. The chef, Daisy and Dr Yoo Hana. The one with the chicken is Jungkook,"

Jungkook lifted his hand and waved at them cheerfully as they turned to look at him.

"And the medic?" Daehyung said, his eyes narrow, "He's a bit of an asshole,"

"Stay away from Taehyung," Bee said, "He's not an asshole, he's just stressed. Don't go near him,"

Jimin nodded in agreement with his wife, "It's best if you stay out of his way. Don't spend any time alone with him,"

The soldier who had done most of the speaking when they met frowned, "Why? Jongup's alone with him right now,"

"Because I said so," Jimin snapped, "The rules are simple. For now, you're on probation, so no weapons. You do your jobs like everyone else without causing any trouble, and we'll accept you as one of us. If you give us any trouble..." He trailed off, "Well, let's just hope that you don't. Daisy, could you get them something to eat, please?"

Daisy immediately got to work, and Jimin turned to Bee, "What's with the other guy?"

She shook her head, "Taehyung kicked me out so I didn't get to take a look. He's not infected, though,"

Jimin nodded, "Alright," He pressed a kiss to her forehead, "Go up to bed, I'll see that these guys get to their new rooms, and then I'll be in,"

Bee nodded and turned, heading up the stairs, followed by Jungkook and Hana, who were also tired.

As she got to the top of the stairs, she felt a horrible, nagging feeling that she had forgotten something important.


AN: I know, still boring, sorry DX

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