33: Goodbye, Friend

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Bee had chosen the place to put Hoseok to rest, and there were no arguments, even from Hana.

They were stood around a gravesite near the outer fence surrounded by tulips. They had even spread outside the walls, so Hoseok would be surrounded by the beautiful flowers. He was gently lowered into the grave by Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook as Jin was too upset to help. Daisy had taken the utmost care to wrap him in a pretty blanket that she had found in one of the cupboards, and now he was laying inside, the group stood around, not sure what to say.

Eventually, Jin spoke up, his voice cracking as he spoke.

"I never wanted to do this," He said quietly, "I never thought that there would come a time where I would have to say goodbye to Hoseok. After we met, we were always together, and now we are apart. I know it is hard to say goodbye, but we now know that he doesn't have to see the suffering in this world anymore. He is at peace, and I know for sure he is holding his baby girl in his arms once again. I know that he's already kissed his wife and told her that he loves her and that he missed her. I know that he'll come and watch over us every now and then, because we all know that he always had to get into other peoples business, but he is content. He died a hero, and it puts me at ease to know that he is happy and safe once again,"

Jin dropped a tulip into the grave, "Goodbye, my friend. Please, rest well," 

There were more tears and tulips dropped on top of Hoseok's body, and once everyone had said their final farewell to Hoseok, they stepped back.

"Everyone go back inside," Jimin said soberly, "Let me-"

"I'll help," Jungkook cut him off, "I know you don't want us to see it; you're trying to protect us. But I can't let you bury him by yourself. What about your emotions?"

Jimin took a deep breath and nodded, "Thanks, Jungkook,"

Namjoon took Hana back into the house and led her up to the bedroom while the others followed slowly behind. Yoongi stayed with Jimin and Jungkook to bury Hoseok, and Jin headed straight to his bedroom. He wanted to make something nice to put at the head of Hoseok's grave to mark it. There was a makeshift cross already, but it wasn't good enough. He deserved better than two shoddy pieces of wood tied together.

Once it was done, Jimin washed his hands and headed up to his bedroom, where Bee was sat on the bed, looking down at the floor.

"Bee," He strode across the room and sat next to her, wrapping his arms around her body and pulling her into him, "It wasn't your fault," He said firmly, "And I know you're thinking about your brother, but it wasn't your fault with him, either. None of it was. It was a horrible, unfortunate accident,"

"I should have been more aware," She whispered, finally lifting her hand to wipe the tears in her eyes, "I should have known,"

Jimin pulled away, grasping her shoulders with his hands and forcing her to look at him, "No," He said, "Do you hear me? It was not your fault. Nobody blames you. There was nothing that could have been done. Hoseok made his choice, do you really think he'd want you to be wallowing in despair like this? I know he wouldn't blame you for this. So please, baby, stop,"

Bee burst into tears for the first time since the incident, wrapping her arms around Jimin's body. She cried into his chest until she had nothing but empty tearducts and a pounding headache from all the crying. When she was done, she slowly pulled away from her husband, who kissed her gently on the forehead.

"It's alright, Bee," He said softly, "No matter what, I'm always by your side. I love you,"

Bee took a deep, shuddering breath, "I love you, too," She said, wrapping her arms around his body.

"We just need to move forward," Jimin said, "There's nothing else that we can do. We need to stay strong as a group. That is what he wanted, after all," He sighed, "He wanted us to be a balanced, strong family,"


AN: A shorter chapter this time. Hope you're enjoying

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