10: Positive Thoughts Only

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"You do know what medication we're looking for, right, Sarge?" Namjoon asked as the bus rumbled along the road in the opposite direction of the hospital they had been to before, "Because I know jack shit about medication,"

Jimin nodded, his eyes out the window on the road, "Yeah. We'll get that first then we'll clear out the pharmacy completely,"

"If there is any medication left," Hana said from her seat behind Hoseok, "I'm sure a lot of it would have been taken by now,"

Jimin sighed, "Hopefully there will be medication there,"

"If the medication is out of date, it won't be as good," Hana added, "I think-"

"Enough of your negativity oh my God," Namjoon sighed, rolling his eyes, "Positive words only from now on! There's not much we can do about the use by date, is there?"

Hana paused and then nodded, "I suppose you're right. When we get back to the manor, I'll start research to find a cure,"

"You're still working on an immunisation," Hoseok piped up, "That's important,"

"Our present is more important at the moment," Hana said, "And-"

"Stop the bus," Jimin interrupted them suddenly, getting to his feet. Hoseok glanced back at him but slowed the bus down and stopped it completely. At the side of the road in front of them was some kind of dark green Range Rover. The diver's seat was open and a man was hanging out, face down on the floor. There were two other people laying on the floor in the middle of the road as well, and there were blood smears over the back passenger seat windows.

Hoseok opened the front door and Jimin stepped off, followed by Namjoon. They both had their knives in their hands and approached the bodies quietly.

"All dead," Namjoon muttered, "Except the back seat,"

Jimin reached for the handle, "Ready?" 

When Namjoon nodded, Jimin pulled the door open and the dead one inside scrambled out, moving straight for him.

Namjoon slammed his knife into the dead ones head, pulling it free as it crumpled to the floor. Jimin pulled the body from the driver's seat and peered inside.

"The key's still in the ignition," He said, "Let's see if it works,"

"Urgh, it stinks," Namjoon muttered, closing the back door as Jimin got behind the wheel and turned the key. The engine roared to life as if it had been waiting for a long time to be used, and Jimin grinned at Namjoon.

"It's got a full tank, too,"

He switched the engine off again and got out of the car, taking the keys with him. After stepping back on the bus, he addressed Hoseok and Hana.

"It's getting dark now, and we have another car. Radio Yoongi and tell him you're on the way back so he can get the gates open for you. You alright on your own?"

Hoseok nodded, "Yeah, we aren't too far away,"

Jimin nodded, "Then get going. We'll be back as soon as we have the medication,"

"Be safe," Hana said as Jimin stepped off the bus again and headed towards the car. Jimin waved his hand a little and Hoseok closed the door.

"We'll have to reverse back a bit," He said, putting the bus into gear, "And then turn, there's not enough space here,"

While Hoseok was reversing back, they were silent so he could concentrate. They finally came to a turn in the road so Hoseok could turn, and once they were going forward again, Hoseok broke the silence with a question.

"You must think I'm an idiot," He said, a faint blush on his cheeks, "For what happened before,"

Hana shook her head, "No, you're not an idiot," She said, "Everyone's stress level is high, of course there are going to be conflicts,"

Hoseok sighed, "Yeah but I know everyone thinks low of me. I'm not a coward,"

"I never said you were,"

"People think it," Hoseok said, "I know they do. At the base I was from originally they called me a coward all the time. I'm not, I just think of the bigger picture. I want everyone to survive, and to do that, people have to make sacrifices,"

"I agree," Hana said, "That's not cowardly. I understand why you said to put Bee in quarantine before you knew she was pregnant. And a lot of people think the same way you do about a baby in this world right now,"

Hoseok was quiet for a moment, "What do you think about it? I'll be honest, I'm worried... Bee could die during the birth. A crying baby could attract dead ones, and then we'd all die. I don't want to watch a baby being ripped to shreds by a walking corpse. Jimin won't be able to lead us properly if he's thinking only of his wife; which is what he does anyway,"

Hana huffed out a little laugh, "I know it seems like that, Hoseok," She said gently, "But Jimin is thinking about all of us. He shows affection to Bee because he loves her, but it doesn't mean he's not thinking about us. He asks advice from those who are in the best position to give it. He even asked advice from you, remember?"

Hoseok frowned, "He's never asked me for advice,"

"You were the one who chose the Manor house," Hana smiled, "He asked for you to pick the best place to live because you had the most experience,"

Hoseok was silent for a moment, "And he asked Taehyung about medication,"

"That's right,"

"He also brought me along so Jin could take a break from driving,"


Hoseok sighed, "Alright, so he is thinking about us. You might think I'm being harsh, but I'm still concerned about this baby,"

"Understandably," Hana agreed, "But I think he's right about the baby, too. It's a sign of unity and hope for the future. Everybody needs light during dark times, Hoseok, and this baby is that light. It will be difficult, sure, but all things that are worth anything are. You're not harsh, you're realistic, which is important, but-"

"But we also need hope," Hoseok sighed, "And we need a future. You're right. I can worry, but I need to be positive, too,"

"Positive thoughts, only," Hana grinned, "Just like Namjoon said,"

Hoseok laughed, "Yeah. You're right. You're a lot more down to earth than I thought, Hana,"

"What, did you think I was floating high up in the clouds? I'm a scientist, Hoseok, I'm more realistic than even you. You also forget one important thing,"

"What's that?"

"Bee is more worried than you are," Hana said, "It would be nice if we could all support each other, instead of fighting,"

Hoseok smiled and turned to look at her, "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Dr Yoo,"

"Call me Hana," She smiled in return, "I don't want us to be so distant,"

Hoseok looked back at the road, a flush on his cheeks, "Thank you, Hana,"


AN: Hey Bumbly's!

Check out "Book of Bumbly's",  it is where I'll be posting the interviews!

Don't worry if you didn't get picked yet, I'll be picking more people, and hopefully this will be an ongoing thing, so there will be a lot more chances!

Also, on the intro page you can make any suggestions to who you want me to question, and you can even suggest some questions to ask!

Anyway, hope you're enjoying!

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