37: Trust

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Namjoon lay wide awake in his bed with Hana asleep beside him, cuddled into his chest. He and Hana had slept in the same bed together every night for the past two weeks, and he was sure he was in love with her by this point, but something was bothering him.

He ran his fingers through Hana's thick brown hair, his thoughts wandering to the journal he had seen a few weeks ago. He didn't understand anything written in it, but there was something odd about the contents; especially the pages topped with the name "Min Yoongi".

It was late out, and there was no light coming through the gaps in the curtain. With a sigh, Namjoon slowly pulled free of Hana and sat up. He ran his fingers through his hair and got out of the bed, pulling on a shirt and heading downstairs to get a drink of water.

"Oh, Bee?"

Bee turned, "Namjoon," She said, "Why aren't you asleep?"

"Why aren't you?" Namjoon pulled out a chair and sat down at the table, "You should be getting as much rest as you can,"

"Easier said than done," Bee smiled, gently touching her stomach, "I'm being beaten up while I try to sleep. How's it going with Hana?"

"Good," Namjoon said, "I think..." He trailed off and cleared his throat, his cheeks pink.

"You love her?"

"I think I do," He said, "Yeah. I do,"

Bee smiled, "That's good. You deserve to be happy, Namjoon,"

Namjoon returned her smile weakly and sighed, "Yeah. But something's bothering me," Bee waited patiently for him to explain, but Namjoon wasn't sure where to start.

"Okay," He said, "A few weeks ago a small book fell out of her pocket. She said it's a journal, but when I looked through it, something felt off. I saw Yoongi's name in it for one. I don't understand why. She gave me the cure, too but I didn't see my name in there,"

"Well," Bee said, "Yoongi was the first case study, so of course she'd write about that. Especially as it wasn't working to start with,"

Namjoon hummed, "I guess,"

"What did it say?" Bee asked, "Maybe I can put you at ease,"

"I didn't understand it," He sighed, "It was a bunch of numbers and scientific terms. I don't know, Bee, I just feel like she might be hiding something,"

"Of course she is," Bee laughed, "You read a girls journal. It might be full of scientific words, but journals and diaries are for personal feelings, so she will be secretive about it,"

"Baby, why aren't you in bed?" Bee turned, a smile on her face when she heard Jimin's sleepy voice. He was dressed only in a pair of loose boxers and his hair was sticking out in all different directions. Namjoon wasn't sure when he had last seen his Sergeant so vulnerable, but he couldn't help smiling. Bee and Jimin were cute.

"I was getting kicked," Bee replied, "I came for a drink and then Namjoon wanted a chat,"

Jimin narrowed his eyes at Namjoon and pulled Bee to her feet and into his arms, "Talk to your own girl at this time of night," He muttered, "Come on, Babe, you need rest,"

Bee rolled her eyes, "Alright, I'm coming. Goodnight, Namjoon. Try not to worry too much,"

Namjoon gave a small wave as the Sergeant led his wife back up to their bedroom and sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He pushed himself to his feet and turned, his hand going to his hip for his gun (which was upstairs with the rest of his clothes) when he saw someone standing behind him.

"Tae, Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me!"

"I'll cut to the chase," Taehyung said, "I don't like Hana, and I don't like that you like her,"

"Yeah, that's pretty clear, buddy," Namjoon sighed, "What's your point?"

"I think she's hiding something, too," He said, "I overheard you and Bee talking,"

Namjoon frowned, "That's not polite, Taehyung," He scolded, "I was having a conversation with Bee, you shouldn't have been listening in,"

"If you didn't know I was there, your skills are slipping," Taehyung said, "Jimin and Bee didn't notice either, but I can forgive Bee because she's pregnant and has baby brain. Yesterday she almost drank vinegar instead of water,"

"Right," Namjoon muttered, "Well get to it then, what's wrong?"

"I want to see the journal," He said bluntly, "Get it for me. I'm not allowed near her,"

Namjoon folded his arms across his chest, "No," He said, "I'm not doing that,"

"You don't want to know what she has in there? I can understand it... Probably,"

The soldier sighed, "Tae, if I get the journal, I'll get it for Bee, not you. If you don't like what you see, you'll start drawing blood and I don't want that,"

Taehyung paused for a moment, deep in thought. He nodded, "Fine. Get the journal and ask Bee to read it. I just want to be sure,"

"Are you sure you're not just doing this because you don't like her? I don't want to break her trust or hurt her just because she's written something in her personal diary I don't understand. If Bee says that Hana is alright, then I trust her,"

"And I trust you," Taehyung said seriously, "So please, just once, trust me, too,"

"Taehyung, I-"

"I know that only Bee trusts me," The medic cut him off, "And even that trust isn't one hundred percent. I understand it, and for me it's fine. Just this once, I want you to tust me, and if I'm wrong then," He shrugged, "I'll do whatever to make up for it. I promise,"

Namjoon tutted and rubbed his face with his hands, "I'll think about it," He muttered, "But for now, it's late and I'm tired. I want to go back to bed,"

Taehyung nodded, "Thanks, Namjoon,"

Namjoon nodded, "Yeah. Night, Tae. Don't stay up too late,"


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