Dr Yoo Hana

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Hana stood nervously among the other scientists, waiting for the Lieutenant General to appear. They had all been called in because of a certain Doctor who was waiting in confinement somewhere, and she was desperate to get back to Jungkook in the lab.

Although Yoongi was there, and he was the best caretaker and friend that Jungkook could have ever gained, but unfortunately, there was not much he could do during testing times, except for comfort him afterwards.

There were two scientists left in the lab that weren't told to attend the meeting, and they were probably the most sadistic of the lot. She wasn't sure why the men had suddenly changed to the point where they were looking just to cause pain on Jungkook, instead of trying to find a cure, but it disgusted her.

Her thoughts were pulled from Jungkook's pain and misery when the door opened, and in walked the Lieutenant General and two guards, with Tamara in between them, her hands tied behind her back.

"You're all here, good," He said, his voice low and dangerous, "I'll make it quick. All women are hereby to be removed from the team searching for the cure," 

There were gasps from the many women around the room, and Hana frowned.

"This is because of this disgusting animal here," He took hold of Tamara's tied arm and threw her to the floor in the centre of the room, "Here is what is going to happen. The team will continue to search for the cure, and the women will be placed in other positions," He peered around the room, "You, you, you and..." He looked at Hana, "You. You four will now be test subjects for the team, to make sure any trials of a cure or vaccination work. And as for the traitor who tried to escape with the immune boy..."

He pulled a gun from his hip and his two guards immediately lifted her onto her knees. She stared up fearlessly, anger in her eyes.

"You will get what's coming to you, Lieutenant General," She said, her voice strong, "And so will those monsters who have tortured that poor boy for no reason. You can kill me as an example, but nothing will stop what's coming for you. You and your so-called scientists are evil men, and you will be stopped!"

The Lieutenant General cocked his gun, "Well, either way, you won't be here to see it," He said, before pointing his gun and firing.


Hana jerked upright, her eyes snapping open and her heart racing in her chest. Once she had established that she was sat at the kitchen table, she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. She hadn't dreamt of her time at the camp in a while.

"Are you alright?" She looked up when she heard a tired, male voice, and smiled weakly.

"Yeah," She said, "Just a bad dream. Are you alright?"

Jin shrugged and sat down at the table, reaching for a bottle of water that was sat in the middle, "Daisy's still sedated. Yoongi took over my watch. I don't know what to do,"

"I'm sorry," Hana said, immediately getting to her feet, "I'll get back to the lab and see what I can-" 

Jin reached out and gently touched her hand with his own.

"It's alright," He said softly, "You need to rest, Doc. If you don't you could get sick, too,"

Hana shook her head, "After my huge mistake with Yoongi, I need to make it up to people. I know Taehyung, for one, suspects that I did it on purpose, but I-"

"We know it was a miscalculation," Jin cut her off, "We trust you. But why don't you go upstairs and rest a little? You look worse than I do," He tried to smile, but it came off as a grimace.

"You need rest, too, Jin,"

Jin shrugged again and sat back in his chair, "I can't rest while Daisy's so sick," He said, looking down, "I didn't realise it, because it happened so fast, but I really do love her, I guess,"

Hana took a breath, "Jimin and Namjoon will come back with antibiotics," She said confidently, "I know they will. And, even if they don't - but they will - I will make sure I can create something to help her. I promise,"

Jin nodded and sipped at the water, "Thanks, Hana," He said, softly, "Go and rest now, I'll wake you if there's any change in the situation,"

After a moment, Hana nodded and headed to the stairs. She was so tired that she felt as if she might fall asleep while she was walking, but she managed to get to the top of the stairs quite quickly.

"Oh?" She said to herself when she saw Bee just stood at the top of the stairs, looking completely torn, "Dr Park, are you alright?"

Bee turned and looked at her, before forcing a weak smile to her face, "I'm fine," She muttered, heading towards the bedroom, "Just had a dizzy spell. goodnight, Hana,"

Hana watched her walk away, and once she was downstairs and once again out of sight, she went to her own room and almost fell to the bed.

Darkness took over quickly, and luckily this time, it was blissfully peaceful.


AN: Tada! A little insight into Dr Yoo for you all, I hope you're enjoying!

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