43: Understand

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"There's nothing else we can do," Taehyung said, "Her lungs just can't handle it. Until she heals from the wound and the surgery, her lungs aren't going to be working properly. She's dying,"

Jimin sighed, "So, what do we need to get?"

"We need some stuff from the hospital," Bee said, "And we need it urgently,"

"Right," The Sergeant stood up, "I'll get going-"

"You promised me you wouldn't go out the next time," Bee cut him off, folding her arms over her rounded stomach, "You promised,"

"Baby," Jimin sighed, taking her hands, "This is important. Daisy needs this stuff,"

"So someone else can go,"

"This will be the last time," Jimin said, "I'm going this time, and then next time, someone else can go," He pressed a kiss to her cheek and dropped her hands, "Tae, you come with me. Everyone else-"

"I want to go," Jungkook spoke up as Taehyung headed to the doorway, "Please,"

"No," Both Taehyung and Yoongi spoke at the same time.

"Kook, stay here," Yoongi said, "Please,"

"You'll just get us killed," Taehyung snapped, "You're-"

"You can come," Jimin said, "Get ready, we're leaving,"

Jungkook smiled widely and rushed from the room as everyone was shocked into silence. Yoongi stomped to Jimin, scowling. 

"He is under your responsibility," He growled, poking him in the chest with a finger, "If he gets even a scratch, I'll-"

"He'll be fine," Jimin said, "You all need to learn to trust him a little more. He just wants to help,"

"Wanting to help and being able to help are different," Yoongi said, "He's got a good heart but he hasn't got any training!"

"But I have," Jimin snapped, "He's coming with us, whether you like it or not, Min Yoongi," Jimin turned and headed for the door, "Bee's in charge. Yoongi, I want you in the tower and someone go and get Jin to find Namjoon. They both can't be moping about any longer,"

Jimin left the room with Taehyung and Bee resisted the urge to kick the chair closest to her. He knew it would hurt her foot and she was already waddling as it was.

"No offence," Yoongi muttered, "But your husband's an asshole,"

Bee huffed, "I know," She moved from the kitchen and out into the med bay to check on Daisy and felt her heart break at the sight of Jin leaned over the bed, fast asleep while holding her hand.

Not having the heart to wake him, Bee checked Daisy's vitals and headed back out, closing the door behind her.

By the time she got outside, Yoongi was heading towards the tower after closing the gates. She was sure she'd find Namjoon near where they had buried Hana, but when she got to the outer gate, he wasn't there.

Taehyung had put up a fight about burying her within the grounds, but they compromised and buried her by the outer fence far away from Hoseok. Hoseok had died a hero, Hana had died a villain. 

Bee felt sorry for Hana; she had clearly snapped under the amount of pressure that had slowly been piling up on her. However, she had tried to kill Yoongi and had shot Daisy and Jimin. That was not something that could be forgiven so easily.

After searching for a while, Bee finally found Namjoon perched on the top of a large chicken coop in the garage.

"Joon," She called, opening the door wider.

Namjoon looked up, "Bee? Ah, you can't come in here. The goats are-"

"Please come out?"

Namjoon jumped down from the coop and came out of the garage, closing the door behind him, "I don't want to talk," He said before Bee could speak, "So don't,"

"I wasn't going to," Bee said, "Jimin's had to make a trip, so I'm in charge. I have orders for you,"

"Oh," Namjoon stood up a little straighter, but Bee could see the dark circles under his red eyes, "What is it?"

"Can you keep watch with Yoongi in the tower, please," She said, turning and walking away, "I need to go and check on Daisy again,"


Yoongi looked over at the door as Namjoon entered.

"Bee sent me here," He muttered, taking a seat at the table next to him, "Anything?"

Yoongi shook his head and turned back to the window, "No. It's been quiet, as usual. We lucked out on this place, there's nobody around us,"

Namjoon was silent and Yoongi took a deep breath.

"Namjoon, I'm sorry,"

The tower was silent apart from the sounds of their breathing, and Namjoon just stared out the window.

"You should never have had to do what you did,"

"I promised her she was safe," Namjoon's voice cracked, "I promised her I'd protect her, yet I was the one who..." He trailed of with a shaky breath, "I couldn't let her hurt anybody else. She was going to kill Bee and the baby, and who knows if she would have stopped there or just kept going. I did what I had to so that everybody could survive,"

"You did," Yoongi said, "But you shouldn't have had to do that. Nobody should be put in that position. I do understand, a little,"

Namjoon frowned, "How? As far as I know you haven't had to shoot your lover in the head, Yoongi,"

"You're right, I've never had to do that," Yoongi said, "But I had to shoot my father after he had killed my entire family," Yoongi leaned back in his chair, "Please don't assume that I have no clue about how you feel. You're hurting, but I've been there. I understand,"

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