47: Support

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"The mask is helping her a lot," Bee said as she sat at Daisy's bedside, "Good work, Tae,"

"May I ask what happened?" Thalia asked, "And why she has weak lungs? Do you know?"

"She was shot," Taehyung snapped at her, "And her lungs are weak because she had the Shakes,"

Thalia glanced at Bee and tucked her dark hair behind her ears. Both her and Julie had showered and were wearing clean clothes that they had found in Hana's room. The Doc had never worn them, so they didn't feel weird about giving them to the new women.

"The Shakes," She said, "As in the military illness?"

Jin, who had been sat the other side of Daisy holding her hand in silence nodded, "It was horrible,"

Bee hummed in agreement, "But she's completely cured. From the Shakes, anyway," She sighed and rubbed her hand over her tummy, wincing at a particularly vicious kick.

"Bee," Thalia asked suddenly, "Do you mind if I examine you?"

"Yes," Taehyung immediately stepped in front of Bee, hiding her from the nurse's view, "Yes, she minds. Don't touch her,"

"I'm sorry," Thalia immediately stepped back, "I just wanted to see what position the baby's in, and-"

"Did you deal with pregnant women before?" Bee asked, standing up and stepping to the side of Taehyung. She wanted so badly to move him out the way so she didn't have to stand up, but she knew that the medic didn't like being touched unless necessary.

Thalia nodded, "I'm not a midwife, but some of the older nurses at the camp taught me some things. I just think you're a little further along than you thought, or maybe the baby is just quite large," She took a deep breath and turned to Taehyung, "If you'd like, you can stand guard with a gun in case I-"

"That won't be necessary," Bee sighed, "I'm quite capable of looking after myself. You can do it in my room. I'd like to not have a tonne of ears listening in, really,"

"But-" Taehyung started to talk, but cut himself off when Bee shot him a look, "I'll tell Jimin,"

"It's fine," Bee said, "I'll tell him myself, afterwards. This way, Thalia,"

Bee led the woman up the stairs. Jimin was still in the kitchen with Yoongi, Jungkook and Julie, and she left them to it. She wasn't in the mood to talk to Jimin at that moment anyway.

"Okay, lie down on your back," Thalia said, rolling up her sleeves, "I'll just push against your tummy and see what's going on,"

Bee did as she was told and Thalia leaned over the bed and began pressing gently along Bee's abdomen, "How far did you say you were?"

"Somewhere around twenty weeks," Bee replied, watching as she had her first ever proper examination.

Thalia hummed, "No," She said, "You're definitely in the third trimester, I'm sure of it," She pulled back, "Maybe at about thirty weeks? Unless the baby is really big, as you don't seem to be carrying much water. You could be due in..." She trailed off to calculate, "Maybe between seven and twelve weeks? Baby is breech at the moment, but still has time to turn, so I think you're okay," She smiled, "I like doing examinations," She admitted, "It was always what I enjoyed at the camp,"

Bee sat up slowly, "Thanks," She said, "I do feel relieved in a way, but I also feel nervous,"

Thalia smiled at her, "About the birth? Of course, it's scary, but women are built for this. Your body will do the work for you, it's a natural process. The more you stress, the more things go wrong, you know?"

"Oh?" Bee and Thalia looked around when they heard a voice in the doorway, "A midwife appointment?"

Bee narrowed her eyes as Thalia stood up, "I should be going to bed now, I am tired. Thanks again for letting us stay, Jimin,"

Jimin smiled and nodded at her, and she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Bee sighed and lay back down, rolling over so she was facing away from her husband.

"Really, Bee?" Jimin grumbled, taking a seat on the bed, "You're going to just turn your back on me?"

Bee sat up and got up off the bed, turning around to glare at him, "Really, Jimin?" she mocked, "You're going to pretend that you didn't break a promise to me and act like you did nothing wrong?"

"Christ, Bee!" Jimin cried, "I had no choice, I had to get the things!"

"No, you didn't," She snapped, "You could have sent Yoongi, or Namjoon, or anyone, for that matter. All they needed was a detailed description of what they were getting!"

"You know full well that Namjoon is not up to the task right now," Jimin snapped back, "And I can't send Yoongi by himself with Taehyung, that would be like sending him out with a bomb strapped to his chest!"

"Jimin, I understand!" Bee cried, tears forming in her eyes, "But all you ever do is leave me alone! I need you, Jimin! I know, of course, that Daisy is important. I'd have gone out myself to get the things if you let me, but you can't be the only one who always goes out! Especially after you promised me!"

Jimin was silent, just watching as his wife grew more upset.

"Thalia said I could give birth any time in the next seven to twelve weeks. Do you know how I feel about that right now? Do you?"

"Bee, I-"

"No, you don't!" She yelled, "Because you don't ever ask me how I'm feeling! You only tell me what to do and what not to do! You fuss about everyone else in this goddamn house but you forget that right now, I'm probably the most stressed out of everyone!"

Jimin's eyes were wide, but he had no idea what to say.

"I'm not saying nobody else is suffering, because I know that they are. Daisy's been hurt, Jin's terrified he'll lose her and Namjoon's mourning right now and it hurts so much to know that the people I love are in pain,"


"Jimin," Bee sighed, "I could die in a few weeks," She said, "I could die without ever seeing our baby. My hormones are a mess, I'm achy and sore and I can't sleep. I'm trying to keep myself together for the sake of everyone in this house, and you're the only person I can show my weaknesses to, but you keep leaving me on my own," She took a deep breath, "I understand. If I was in your position, I would have gone out, too. But can't you just stop and think for just a moment? You promised me,"

Jimin let out a huff of air, "Fuck, baby," He muttered, walking around the bed to her and pulling her into his arms, "I'm sorry, I didn't realise,"

"I'm afraid, Jimin," Bee said, her  voice weak, "I just want you to support me,"


AN: Aha~ double update

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