°Chapter 5°

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I bounced to my mom's room, full of excitement.

"Mommy! Mommy!" I called out and stopped outside, but my mom didn't come out.

I giggled, thinking she was playing hide and seek with me.

"I'm going to find you." I murmured, running towards the stairs.

Bending down, I peeked through the stairs, seeing my mom in the kitchen, a frown on her face.

My face dropped and I started to climb down the stairs, until I heard her speak.

"Jeremy, you can't just come here unexpected and demand to see your daughter, she doesn't even know you!" She sighed, taking a sip of the water she was holding.

My eyes squinted. Mommy had never told me about a Jeremy.

"Jessica, I haven't seen her at all, this will be my first time meeting her since her birth." A man said, sounding angry.

"What? When you walked out on us?" She scoffed, almost slamming her glass of water down on the table.

"You cheated on me with some billionaire! I wanted full custody of Emily, but you refused to let me look after her!" The man yelled.

"I finally got a daughter and you think I'm just going to give her away? I gave birth to our daughter, not you." She walked closer to him, he finger pointing at him, accusingly.

I was snapped out of my trance, when a hand snaked around my waist and pulled me up off the ground.

The scenery changed from my house, to a dark hallway and I was turned around, only to be met with a sinister smirk.

"Did you really think you could outrun me, Emily?" Daniel asked and I shook my head.

"No, I-I was trying to see who my m-mommy was talking to." I stammered, looking down at my bare feet.

The floor was an icy, solid metal and I mentally winced at the cold passing through my feet.

"Ah, curiosity killed the cat." He lowered his head, his eyes burning with pleasure. "Do you know who that cat is?"

"Is-" I gulped, looking down. "Is it me?"

"Yes, it is." He stood up straight. "Good girl."

I felt his hand pat my head, like I was some sort of dog.

Instead, it wasn't a gentle pat, it was forceful action and he was pushing down on my head.

After a few minutes, I glanced up, confused of the silence.

I was back in my house and I was walking down the stairs, towards the kitchen.

I tried to turn around, but my mind pushed me to continue walking to the kitchen.

And as soon as I got to the kitchen I tripped.


I jolted awake, throwing my body upwards.

My alarm clock beeped, annoyingly, and I wiped the sweat on my forehead with my arm.

I had no idea what that dream was, but it couldn't have been real.

Throwing my legs out of bed, I sighed, knowing how much pain was to come if I was to move around all day.

I did my usual routine and put on concealer, hiding my cuts and bruises from the night before.

I sauntered down the stairs, ignoring Daniel, who I had passed on the stairs.

When I got to the kitchen, I hesitated, knowing my mom was in there.

Mentally flinching, I walked into the kitchen and went over to the fridge.

I heard my mom sigh and I could feel her eyes on me.

"Emily, we need to talk." She said and I rolled my eyes, getting the orange juice and closed the fridge door.

"There's nothing to talk about." I stated, pouring some orange juice in a glass.

I took a sip and sat opposite my mom at the table.

"Yes, there is." She rested her elbows on the table. "I realized Danny went a bit too hard on you yesterday."

"A bit?" I laughed, sarcastically. "Mom, thanks for your concern and sympathy, but I'm used to it. In fact, I've been used to it for the past 11 years."

She hung her head, as if she was ashamed.

"Emily-" I cut her off.

"Who's Jeremy?" I blurted before I could stop myself and she froze.

"Who?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I had a dream about you talking to this guy -Jeremy- and he said he hadn't seen me since birth." I answered and she pursed her lips.

"You should be getting to school." She told me and passed me my bag from the floor.

"You haven't answered my question." I tapped my fingers on the table, impatiently.

"Not today, Em." She begged, surprising me. "Please?"

I went silent for a few seconds, debating to push or not.

"I'll see you later." I replied and stood up, seeing her relax.

"Bye mom." I called, walking out of the front door and slammed it shut before she could reply.

My phone beeped in my pocket and I unlocked it, seeing there was another few texts from the unknown number, also known as Jake Brown.

Who the fuck is Jake? And no this isn't him. I'm not playing a prank.

My eyebrows knitted together in anger and confusion.

Then who is this and how did you get my number? Plus how do I know if you're lying or not?

We're not lying and the other questions aren't important, but you'll see us soon.

We? Us? Wow Jake, who knew you had friends? This is pathetic, you're pathetic. You say I'm a waste of time, yet you continue to pester me with your lame pranks. Make your fucking mind up.


Hey guys, long time no see.

I'm so sorry for not updating lately, but I've been lost in thought as I've been really busy recently. I apologize again for the short chapter, but there's a lot of drama to come. Plus, do you think the text messages are from Jake? Do you think he'd do that or is it someone else?

Until next time....

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