°Chapter 16°

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I repeatedly coughed, feeling the blood clog up my throat, almost stopping me from breathing. I kept my eyes on the floor, not daring to stare into Daniel's eyes as it would only make him angrier.

My hands were out in front of me, trying to defend myself even though I knew it wouldn't do anything to help me. It was like I was trying to reassure myself that if my hands were there, he would be unable to do anything to me.

The pain was excruciating for a while but had faded and the normal numb feeling replaced the pain as I thought back to Luke and Blake wondering if they didn't drop me off to get my laptop. Maybe Luke was saying all that stuff in the car just to get rid of me.

And if it was that way, it definitely worked.

I remembered that even though he told me to call him or text him if anything was wrong, I didn't have a phone. How could I have been so stupid to believe in that?

I fired questions after questions at myself as if I could find the answer and deep down, I felt hurt. I felt hurt that just after they'd kidnap me, they'd plan to give me back just a few days later.

It also hurt me to know that they knew I was abused before, yet they still force me back to my house to find my stupid laptop with the stupid evidence stored onto it.

I started to develop a hatred, not just at my brothers but at myself for even saying a word to them. I never said a word before to Callum and Zoe but when I was kidnapped and told that they were my family, I trusted them and told them everything that had ever happened to me?

Suddenly, I was pulled from the dirty ground by the front of my hoodie. I stared into my step-father's eyes, blankly, not wanting to show him that he scared me. Although, he probably knew that I was terrified of him already.

"Listen to me when I'm talking to you, bitch." He spat, his spit flying across my face. I reached up and with the back of my bloody hoodie sleeve, I attempted to wipe away the beads of his saliva, cringing in disgust.

"I'm not going to listen to you if I don't want to." I lazily shrugged my shoulders at him and another flash of anger lit up his eyes. I didn't know why but I was beginning to find the situation funny.

"You will listen to me and you will obey me." He scowled, his eyes barely open by how much he was squinting them at me.

"You can try but you won't gain my respect. I mean, why would I even respect you in the first place?" It all dawned on me at that moment and I felt a flame of fury spark inside of me as I glared at him, clenching my fists. "You have abused me ever since I was four, Daniel. Four fucking years old! How could you do such a thing?" I asked, rhetorically, not giving him any time to answer because I added on to my rant, hearing my voice get higher and higher but lower and lower at the same time. "Oh, wait, I know! It's because you're heartless. You don't love my mother. It's all a silly little game for you, isn't it?" I scoffed, watching him shove me backwards, letting go of my hoodie. His eyes were blank. "You wanted to find your next victims and ooh, let me guess, my mother and I were next?" I scowled, the pain rushing back to me as I gripped onto the wall, biting my lip to keep back a groan.

"You somehow brainwashed my mother into thinking I was some monster. You turned my only family I had left against me." I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut to try and get rid of the pain in my head. It was all because I was just noticing what he was up to. "You were going to make sure that once I was gone, you would be able to hurt my mother and okay, yes, she deserves it but so do you and I wouldn't hesitate once to help out my mother, even though she has been nothing but horrible towards me." I snarled, trying to keep my breath even, but my chest was rising and falling quicker, showing that I was just getting angrier.

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