°Chapter 9°

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Thankfully, everyone their name engraved in their bedroom door, so as I wandered through the halls, I spotted Mason's name. It was only a couple doors down from mine and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing at the prank I was about to do.

I pressed my ear to the outside of his door, hearing his soft snores coming from inside the room and I slowly opened the door, slipping into the room.

I carefully shut it behind me and was glad that he kept on his lamp, otherwise I'd be blindly trying to find the bathroom in the dark.

Mason was laying face down on his bed, his arms spread across the spaces which were left. His legs were hanging off the side and I rolled my eyes.

I tiptoed over to the ensuite bathroom and went through the open door. I spotted his shampoo bottle and a smirk crept up to my face.

My grip tightened on the small bottle of dye and I grabbed the shampoo bottle, setting the bottle of dye on the side of the sink. I opened the shampoo bottle and my smirk widened. I clicked open the bottle of dye and poured about half the small bottle in.

When I was satisfied with how much I'd put in, I clicked the bottle of dye shut and put the lid back on the bottle of shampoo. I crept out of the bathroom and out of the room. Once I'd shut the door, I fist pumped the air and skipped back to my room.

It was only six o'clock so I knew Mason would probably wake up sooner or later and have a shower but in the mean time I was going to have to come up with the next part of the revenge which I would need some help with.

I stopped outside my bedroom door and thought whether to ask anyone for help or not. If I did this on my own and Mason found out, he'd just want to kill me whereas if I asked someone to help me with these pranks, Mason would want to kill them too.

Sprinting back down the hall, I stopped outside Cole's bedroom door but before I could knock, it opened. Cole stood there with his arms crossed over his chest as he looked down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you having a race with yourself?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, pushing past him. I sat on his bed and he shut the door, giving me a confused look.

"I need help." I stated and he uncrossed his arms, letting them hanging by his side. Then suddenly, he narrowed his eyes at me.

"You're planning something and let me guess, if I help you I'm also going to get into trouble." He told me and I nodded, sheepishly. A sly grin spread across his face and he stuck his hand out. "I'm in."


Cole and I were chilling on the couch along with Jaxon and Hayden, when all of a sudden, there was a shriek coming from upstairs. Me and Cole grinned at each other, sending knowing looks.

Footsteps thundered down the stairs, followed by more shrieks and just as a shirtless Mason was going to run into the room, he slipped on the area where Cole and I spilled water on the floor.

"Sorry dude, I forgot to clean that up." Cole apologised and smiled as Mason sat up, waving his hand around furiously, miming for Cole to clean it up right now. We could only see a glimpse of Mason's hand but I knew he was pissed off.

His body crashed to the floor again and Cole and I burst into laughter once we saw the color of Mason's hair. We drew the attention of the other two and they started snickering. Mason, angrily, glared at us as he steadied himself.

"What's wrong Mason, you look a little pink in the face." I managed to get out before adding. "And hair." Before I started giggling all over again.

"I'll deal with you two later but right now, I need to go and see someone to help me with my hair." He scowled and started to walk towards the door but I stopped laughing and called out.

"What? Without a shirt? You'll scare everyone, especially with your pink head." I snorted and gestured for Cole to get up with me as we followed Mason to the garage.

His scream echoed through the room and once again, I had to bite my lip to stifle my laugh. We had replaced the cars with a beaten up and run down truck.

We had hid the other three cars some place where Cole knew no one would steal it. I was still hoping that no one would take them because then we'd be in even more trouble than in the first place.

"Who fucking planned all of this?" Mason seethed and Cole pointed at me, giving me a smug look as I gasped. Mason narrowed his eyes at me and I gulped, starting to back up, nervously laughing.

"Hey, c'mon. We're even now. That was my revenge since you kidnapped me the other night." I held my hands up, surrendering. I sent Cole a pleading look to help me but he just shook his head, smirking.

"You better start running." I sent a quick look at my pink brother before dashing back inside, hearing his footsteps running after me.

I ended up in the kitchen and backed up against the counter but I couldn't help but grin at how pink his hair was. It genuinely looked like he'd painted it instead of dying it.

He slid into the kitchen, seeming really out of breath, bending over with his hands on his knees. He sent me a unbelievable look and I raised my eyebrows at him, amused.

"Whe-Where have you learnt to-to run like that?" He panted and straightened back up, placing his hand on his chest, taking deep breaths.

"I've had some practice." I shrugged and he gave me a weird look but I waved him off, shooting him a smirk which he narrowed his eyes at.

And with that I took off again, dodging past Parker who seemed shocked and confused. I ran up to my room with a smile on my face as I flopped onto my bed.

That was the first time I had genuinely smiled in years.


Another chapter up for you guys. Sorry if it's a bit short :)

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