°Chapter 6°

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I tapped my pencil, impatiently, on my desk, watching the clock slowly tick.

The teacher droned on about the history of the middle ages and I rolled my eyes, feeling extremely bored.

"Em?" My head snapped to Zoe. "Do you want a ride after school?"

I shook my head and sent her a smile. "No thanks, my mom's gonna pick me up."

She sent me a look as if to say "I know you're lying", but luckily the bell rang, signalling the end of the day.

"See you tomorrow Zo." I said, before sprinting out of the classroom.


It felt eerie as I walked home and I cursed at myself for not getting a ride with Callum and Zoe.

"Of course it's dark, it's the winter!" I mumbled to myself.

I'd gotten lost, even though I'd walked to and from school a million times before, but I thought I was taking a short cut.

"Fucking google maps." I cursed and repeatedly tapped on my phone, but it seemed to have frozen.

I glanced around and found an alley and shrugged to myself.

As soon as I stepped foot through the dark and damp alley, I knew it was a mistake.

There were dead rats, alive rats, half-dead/half-alive rats scattering in zig zags and I made sure not to step on any of them.

The trees made creepy silhouette shadows on the moonlit concrete, sending rapid chills down my spine.

Goosebumps formed on my arms and I tried pulling my coat tighter around me, but it didn't do anything.

At every movement, I seemed to jump, ready to touch the sky.

Everything was going "fine" until I heard thundering footsteps behind me and my head snapped in that direction, where a man -looking in his late teens- was running up from behind me. His eyes were electric blue, piercing into my own blue eyes and he immediately skidded to a stop when he caught me staring at him.

My breathing became heavy and I turned around, sprinting away into the blackness. I had no idea where I was going but I was not interested in getting kidnapped by someone who was chasing me in an alley.

His footsteps bounded after me and I pushed my legs to go faster, hating that I was tired in a moment like now.

"Hey, stop!" His voice called at me, but I kept running and a thought ran through my mind, making my breath hitch in my throat.

What if he was the one sending me the messages that I had started getting a couple of days ago? What if he was going to kidnap me and take me to a place that was in the middle of no where?

A blood-curdling scream escaped my lips as he lunged at me, knocking me to the floor, knocking the air out of me. When I hit the ground, I tried to stand up again, but the boy pushed me down with my hands behind my back.

"I'm not being arrested am I? I haven't done anything wrong." I ranted, feeling beads of sweat fall down my face. "If you're looking for my step-father, I swear I didn't help him with his job, it was all him."

"I'm not going to arrest you." The voice said, sounding very amused.

"Sì, qualunque cosa, scommetto che non si può nemmeno fidarsi di prendere un gatto." I muttered, knowing he probably didn't speak Italian.

"Huh?" He asked, sounding extremely puzzled with what I muttered in a language that wasn't English.

"She's speaking Italian, you idiot." Another male voice said and crouched down so I could briefly see his eyes, which were the same electric blue as the other boy, making me think they were brothers.

"Mi dispiace che si lanciò a te in quel caso, avrei dovuto fermarlo. È un idiota." He chuckled, shocking me. Who knew someone related to a dumbass like him could speak fluent Italian?

"Sì, l'ho capito. Puoi convincerlo a lasciarmi andare?" I spoke back, getting irritated.

"Stop speaking that stupid language, what is she saying?" His brother looked agitated, making me almost laugh out loud at him, but I bit my lip to stop myself.

"I'm sorry, we can't let you go, but if it makes you feel better..." He cut himself off and smacked the boy -that was holding me down- upside the head.

The boy complained and whined, and it didn't make me feel better but it made me feel happier.

Soon another boy appeared from around the corner, holding something behind his back, which made me panic and I thrashed around, managing to throw the boy off my back.

I tried to get up and run away, but I was caught by the boy that spoke fluent Italian.

I scowled at him and kicked him in the leg, but he seemed unfazed and wrapped his arms tighter around my waist, whilst I screamed and kicked.

"Let me go, I haven't done anything!" I screamed and wriggled even more when the injection got closer to my arm. "Please, stop. I'll do anything, I won't mention this to anyone, just let me go."

The injection pierced into my skin and I flinched but my vision started clouding with black dots.

Then everything went black.


Omg guys, I am so so so so so so so so so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been really busy and I've been ill these past couple of weeks, so I couldn't update, but I promise I'll update at least once this week.

Sorry this chapter was so short, the next one will hopefully be a lot longer than this one.

Italian translations

Sì, qualunque cosa, scommetto che non si può nemmeno fidarsi di prendere un gatto. - Yeah, whatever, I bet you can't even be trusted to catch a cat.

Mi dispiace che si lanciò a te in quel caso, avrei dovuto fermarlo. È un idiota. - I'm sorry he pounced at you like that, I should have stopped him. He's an idiot.

Sì, l'ho capito. Puoi convincerlo a lasciarmi andare? - Yes, I get it. Can you convince him to let me go?

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