°Chapter 23°

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"Oh Em, it feels like I haven't seen you in years!" She ran up to me and tackled me into a bear hug which I immediately returned, seeing as I hadn't seen my best friend in over a week, which was absolutely unbearable even though she was annoying sometimes.

"How did you know where I was?" I asked her, pulling away from the hug and she rolled her eyes with a slight scoff. "I mean, I didn't think you would be able to find me with everything being so discreet." I sent a side glance to my brothers and she seemed to notice, looking up at all the guys.

"First of all, your mom came round my house and apologised for attacking me." She told me and my jaw dropped but she waved it off as if it was nothing. "She then told me where you were and told me not to tell anyone, especially not her boyfriend, which I don't know why I would tell him anyway." She rambled and then paused, staring me dead in the eyes, her facial expression turning into concern and sadness. "Em, why didn't you tell me you were being abused at home?" She asked and I looked away, feeling ashamed and guilty. "With you being bullied as well, I didn't think anything else was going on. Do you know how bad I feel for not suspecting anything?" Her voice broke and she took my hands in hers but I still didn't look at her, feeling like I would break down if I even took just a glance at her.

"I am so sorry, Zo. I didn't want to get you involved and I didn't want you to worry about me." I told her, letting go of her hands, and she shook her head, mutely telling me that I was stupid to think that. Of course it would worry her, best friends worry about each other.

"You were just bullied by that Jake guy though, right?" Cole asked, his look matching Zoe's questioning expression and I gave her a look which told her I would explain it all to her later. I also tried to warn her to keep her mouth shut and not say anything else but of course, Zoe being Zoe she had to spill everything.

"Um no," She said, turning to my brothers. "There was a girl who also bullied her but Emily never took any of her bullshit even the time when the girl beat her to the point that-" I cut my best friend off by clamping my hand over her mouth, a nervous laugh escaping my lips as I shot Zoe a look which said well done but she just shrugged her shoulders.

That was the moment my dad chose to walk in with Sandy, Alexander and Parker following after him. My dad smiled at me and my stupid, crazy friend. He told us that I was discharged and that he told Zoe that I was here, thinking that was why all my brothers wore confused expressions.

"Who are they?" Zoe whispered to me in a hiss as we walked out of the hospital doors, everyone following behind, being their loud selves, earning looks and glares from staff and patients.

I sighed before forcing a smile on my face as I looked at her. "Zoe, meet my brothers." I told her and her eyes widened as her jaw dropped.

"You have step siblings?" She asked and I snorted at her outrageous question or -what sounded like a- statement.

"I wish." I laughed and she gave me a questioning look, raising an eyebrow at me. "I'm related to them, except for the eleven-year-old." I told her and her eyes widened even more. She let out a deep breath and then a honk sounded in front of us. We both looked and I saw Callum, getting out of his car, giving me a concerned smile.

I let a grin pull onto my lips as I ran up to who I considered another brother to me and wrapped my arms around him as he did the same to me, picking me up and spinning me around before putting me down, laughs escaping from both of us.

"You worried me, Em. When your mother practically told us she abused you, I felt so angry and guilty." He told me, his whole demeanour changing into the concern that Zoe had shown towards me. "Do you know how much it's worried me?" He clutched my face in his hands, squeezing my face in between his fingers. He then brought me into another hug. "I never want to let you go." His voiced got quieter as if her didn't want me to hear. "I feel like if I let you go then you'll slip away and disappear." He murmured into my hair and I clung to him tightly, a small smile settling on my lips.

"I'm not going anywhere, Cal. I promise." I reassured him and he pulled away, smiling. He opened his mouth, about to say something but I was suddenly tugged back by my hood and forced behind Luke's protective posture causing me to roll my eyes at him.

"Who are you?" Luke and Callum said at the same time and I turned my head behind me, watching as Zoe walked towards me with a smirk.

"I'm lucky I only have one brother. You have nine times more protectiveness." She whispered to me, laughing as I wore a grim look. "Now you'll know what it's really like to have an older brother."

"Yeah but you're lucky, Callum's only eighteen." I whined, raising my hand slightly dramatically. "My brothers are all different ages and yet I'm second youngest." I huffed.

"Well, I'm her brother." Luke snapped, catching my attention. I guess Callum had already introduced himself since he looked as if he was getting bored and irritated with my brother's attitude, already.

"Luke, let's go..." I trailed off, looking over my shoulder to see that the others had gone and I sighed, knowing we'd have to either walk or catch a ride from Callum - if he wouldn't mind. "Great, now we don't have a fucking ride." I cursed, causing Luke to suddenly start scolding me for cussing and I saw Zoe trying to stifle her laughter in the corner of my eye, whilst Callum gave me a disapproving look.

After a few more minutes of listening to my brother go on and on, him accidentally cussing a couple of times and then trying to clear up his mistake - which Zoe seemed to find hilarious - he then shut up and sighed as he realised it was starting to get dark.

"It's even darker now. Well done, dipshit." I snorted and jumped when Luke and Callum both snapped at me. Zoe couldn't hold in her laughter and just let it go as she clutched her stomach. I gave her a look which basically said that she was weird and the situation wasn't even really that funny.

"I'll give you a ride." Callum said and got into the drivers side of the car whilst Zoe got into the passenger seat. She smirked and I sent her a sarcastic smile as I slid into the back with my brother.

"Thanks, Callum." I thanked him, seeing as my brother wouldn't do so. I lightly kicked him and he glared at me, muttering incoherent words under his breath. I told Callum the directions and then silence took over the car.

Well, only for a few seconds.

"Why were you even at the hospital?" Zoe asked and the three of them looked at me. I didn't know why Luke was staring at me like he was though because he already knew the story.

So for the rest of the ride home, I told Callum and Zoe what Jake did and how it happened and practically everything that happened and even my brother listened in, getting angry as if he knew none of it before.

"I swear, when I next see that kid I will beat the shit out of him." Callum spat, gripping the steering wheel tightly, almost making his knuckles turn white. Zoe just stayed silent as if she was in deep thought. Her face wore anger but what also surprised me is that she looked upset.

Luke snorted. "Let me join you." He turned his head away from the window and slightly leaned forward so he could talk to Callum. "D'you know where this prick lives?" He asked and Callum nodded his head, beginning to tell my brother the address which I tried to stop from happening but gave up with a sigh, slouching back into the seat.

"Hm, thanks man, I'll remember that." Luke said as Callum pulled up outside the house and I sighed again because knowing Luke, he probably would remember and likely never forget.

It was funny how never forgetting ran in the family.


Another chapter out for you wonderful, patient people xx

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