°Chapter 20°

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"I don't know what you're talking about." I shrugged my shoulders at him, wanting to just keep one secret to myself without any of my brothers knowing about it. "I'm perfectly fine."

He snorted. "It's obvious that you're not." He tapped his foot against the floor, allowing a small silence to slip between us for a few moments. "What's going on? Why are you so jumpy?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders again, locking eyes with him.

"Wouldn't you be if you were beaten up?" I asked, using my injuries as the only excuse I could think of. I watched as his nostrils flared and he took a deep breath, showing me that he was getting frustrated.

"I mean, why are you so jumpy around us? When you came you were never like that." He pointed out and I bit my lip. He was catching on and if I wasn't quick to show them that I was fine, then they would definitely figure out sooner than I would like.

"I realised that I can't just act as if I know people back to front as soon as I meet them. I don't really know any of you or what you're all capable of." I told him, proud of my answer. It was only a white lie. It was true because I didn't know what any of them could do and I was scared to open up anymore to them. I had to stop acting like an open book where everyone could read my feelings and thoughts because it just wasn't me, I never told anyone anything.

"We're your brothers, you should be able to trust us." He stated through gritted teeth, his arms crossed and jaw twitching in aggravation. He looked ready to snap at me at any moment but I wasn't too bothered about that, I was just worried about him noticing anything.

"Yes, you're my brothers, not my fucking therapists." I snarled, my lips curling into a scowl, mirroring the expression Blake wore on his face. "If I don't want to tell you something, I won't tell you." I spoke, confidently.

"Ah, so there is something wrong." He narrowed his eyes and I groaned, mentally cursing at myself. "Look, all you have to do is tell me what's wrong-" He was saying but I cut him off with a scoff, narrowing my own eyes at him.

"I didn't even say there was something wrong." I snapped and he gave me a look, silencing me. I pursed my lips and looked at my feet, feeling fed up with the conversation. I just wanted to go for a walk and let off some steam otherwise I was going to start yelling at him and I didn't exactly want to do that since Blake was probably the most scariest person to be fighting with.

"Tell me what's wrong?" He spat, not seeming to want to play nice with me anymore but I ignored him and continued to look at my feet, feeling his burning gaze carving into my head. "Emily, what is going on with you? You're-" I cut him off, feeling the anger push me over the edge.

"Okay, congrats, you figured out there's something wrong." I seethed, looking up at him, my tone dripping with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes when I saw the flames of anger spark in his eyes. "But just because something is wrong doesn't mean I'm going to tell you." I told him in a tone which told him to drop the topic but of course that's not what he did.

"Why the fuck not?" He growled, inching closer towards me, so that there was only a few inches of space left between us and I had to tilt my head back to stare up at him.

"Because it will both stress you guys out and it will break you. I'm not ready to tell you because you'll just worry and make me feel more like a fucking burden than your sister." I screamed, causing him to step back. I ran my hands down my face before glancing back up at him. "All you'll do is worry and tell dad and I don't like the attention, Blake. I don't just tell people things because that's not me, I don't like it when people worry about me." I let out a strangled scream as I buried my face into my cupped hands.

"Do you just want us to be fucking okay with it then? Do you want us to not care?" He shouted back and I felt the raging tears sting the corners of my eyes as I stood up, shoving the chair away from me before I broke it.

"I never said that I want you guys to be okay with it, I just don't want you to worry about me! I don't want you guys to protect me because if I was able to deal with being beaten up then I should be able deal with any other shit that happens to me." I said, my voice raising a notch with each sentence and by the time I had finished what I was saying, I was breathing heavily, my chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Well you're just gonna have to live with it because I don't care if you're fifty years old, I will still be protecting you because you're my little sister." He snapped and I felt the guilt hit me like a forceful push. I stared at him, a tear slipping down my cheek and his eyes softened.

"I'm sorry." I apologised in a whisper, wiping at my face with my hand but he grabbed my hand and brought it away from my face. He gave me a stern look as he placed my hand down, staring me in the eyes the whole time he was doing it.

"Don't apologise, Emily. It's okay to show your feelings, ya know?" He stated and I shook my head at him, wanting to yell at him. It wasn't okay, it was making me so much weaker and I wanted to get stronger.

"It's not okay, Blake. I can't keep crying at the smallest things." I exclaimed and he sighed, running his hand down his face.

"We'll drop the topic for now." He told me and I'm sure my whole mood felt a bit brighter. "But we're talking about it later, and I mean that, okay?" He asked, sternly, and I nodded at him, as I dashed past him, feeling a pit of guilt settle in the bottom of my stomach.

Little did he know, I wasn't going to share anything anytime soon.


Another chapter up for you guys. I hope you enjoy it and please comment what you would like to happen next xx

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