°Chapter 32°

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I sniffed, burying my head further into Cole's chest. It had been an hour since my breakdown and in the room with me was my dad, Luke, Blake, Cole and Mason. Dad had persuaded Sandy to go and collect Parker and take him home so they could both rest. Jaxon, Conner, Hayden and Alexander had been gone for half an hour, having checkups and.... Liam was in surgery.

"Cole Carter." A doctor walked in, a checkboard in her hands. She looked up at us to see we were all looking at her and she looked like a deer in headlights. I could see the cogs turning in her mind and she probably thought she was in the wrong room until her eyes landed on Cole. "Oh, hello." She said, clearing her throat as she looked at my dad. "I've got the test results. If you'd like to follow me to my office." She said and I clung onto Cole, fear flowing through my system.

"No." I told her and she looked at me, taken aback, as well as everyone else in the room. My dad gave me a look, silently telling me to knock it off, but I was terrified. What if he had to go into surgery too? What if he didn't come back?

"Sweetheart, it's okay. He won't be long, I-" She started but I cut her off, my eyes narrowed. She didn't know what I'd gone through, she didn't know the definition of the word 'okay'.

"No, I'm fed up with people saying everything's okay because I know it isn't. I'm a teenager, not a toddler." I snapped and when I heard shuffling next to me, I looked at Cole - who got up and was already making his way over to the doctor, along with my dad.

"Em, don't worry about me. I'll be fine." He smiled at me but I just kept quiet, staring at the nurse. A blank expression hung on my face and my mind made me contort her lips into a smug smirk. I wanted to yell at her but I guess she was only a doctor, making sure my brother was okay.

"Make sure she doesn't get out of here. I don't want her hurting herself even more." My dad said to Luke before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. My eyes lingered on the door for a few moments before I cut the silence.

"Layla's alive." I murmured, pinching at the thin hospital duvet. I could feel the tension rise in the air and I gulped, thinking Luke would be mad at me for bringing her up.

"I know." He mumbled and he actually looked into my eyes, regret glowing across his face. "She hurt you." He stated and the room fell eerily silent again for a moment, the only faint sound being the heart monitor which I had been connected to after I passed out.

"I know." I echoed, poking at the irritated area around the small straw in my hand. It hurt but the doctor told me that it would only get worse if I kept playing around with it. So, I continued to irritate it.

"She hit you."
"I know."
"She drugged you."
"I know."
"She shot you."
"I know."

He looked like he was going to say something else but before he could, someone opened the door and a nurse walked through the door with a trolley. There was a plate of food on it, along with a jug of water and a cup. She beamed at me and I gave her a timid smile in response.

"Hi, dear, I've just come to give you food. Doctor's orders." She giggled and my face fell a little as she parked the trolley next to me. I wasn't hungry at all, in fact I felt too sick to eat. She poured some water into the cup and set the jug back down, placing a knife and fork on the tray. "Someone will be back to take it later, okay?" She smiled and I nodded, speechless.

"Thank you." Luke said and shut the door after her before returning to his original place, looking my way. His eyebrows raised up, expectantly, when he saw me staring at him. "Well, go on then. Eat up." He told me.

I looked back at the food and it took everything inside of me not to throw up whatever was left inside my stomach. I knew the three of them were all looking at me but I couldn't look at them or the food. The guilt gnawing inside me made me sick and the food that sat next to me made me more nauseated.

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