Chapter Fourteen

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Sky's POV:

"Did you think I didn't see you?"


I finished with the ankle strap of my heel and slowly turned around. Maya was leaning against the doorframe, smirking at me. She was holding that white remote.

If she saw me, why let me listen?

Maya held out her hand. I hesitated. She raised an eyebrow and held up the remote to indicate exactly which button she was going to press.


I stepped closer and closer until I was only a foot in front of her. She took the leash and pulled me closer, pushing me against the wall.

"You're a very bad hider and eavesdropper. I saw you as I was walking into the room. We both knew you were there. Such a bad girl" She Purred, rubbing her hands all over my body.

"T..then Mistress why let me listen?" I asked. She chuckled and let me go.

"Because. I think it's punishment enough to know your playmate is going to be retired and you can't tell her or do anything about it" She replied. I swallowed down my fear.

" mean? Jade won't know she's being retired until it's too late? That's cruel. She would be happy to see her family again" I said. Maya burst out laughing, then she grabbed my hair and pulled my head to the side, exposing my neck.

"Retirement doesn't mean we put her to sleep and send her back home. She wouldn't be able to handle the environment, she's been here too long. Nearly since she was 15. Usually we rarely get pets that young but Krystal wanted a very clean slate" She explained. I looked at her with surprise.

I guess I'm lucky, I wasn't here for nearly 5 years like her, the first 2-3 must of been torture.

"What does it mean then?" I boldly asked. Her response was a laugh.

"Retirement means first we put her to sleep, then we strip her of her collar, leash, dress, shoes, and the little panels under her skin that controls the shocks. And lastly, give her a lethal injection. Then we send her to the morgue where they get rid of her for good. Then someone else will take her place." She explained further. My heart skipped a beat.

She wasn't going back home. She was going to die here. Get buried here or cremated who knows. That's cruel.

Maya must of been the dark look in my eyes since she pressed her arm against my neck in warning.

"I'm telling you now. Stay away from Jade. If I see you two together it'll be a four. And if you so much as mention the word retirement to her, your punishment will be much worse" She growled. I was struggling to breathe. I quickly nodded and she let me go, patting my head.

"Good Girl"

(Time Skip)

Avoiding Jade was harder than I thought. Wednesday and Thursday were hell. We usually sat next to each other when we weren't doing anything and even took naps together. But now whenever she came near me I had to make up an excuse to leave and either go to Mistress or her room. Jade didn't follow me, mostly because she didn't want to make Maya angry. Today she seemed different. I could see the hurt in her eyes when I had to walk past her.

Im so sorry Jade.

I sat next to Mistress on the couch and she patted my head.

"Good Girl. It's Thursday. Soon. I see you've obeyed me" She said, giving my neck a slightly tight squeeze with her hand. "You know the consequences if you don't, right?". The nod I gave her was vicious. She let me go and I retreated straight to her room. It was only 11pm, just the right time to go to sleep. I quickly dove under the covers and drifted off.

(Time Skip)

I woke up to footsteps. I quickly sat up, fearing I had overslept. The clock only said 4:02am.

Who could be up at this time?

I heard the sound of someone digging through a drawer and that's when I fully got up and pulled myself out of bed to go check. Mistress turned over in her sleep.

Are we getting robbed?

I glanced over at Maya.

If it's not Maya maybe it's Krystal?

I walked into the dining room and stood at the entrance of the Kitchen.


Jade was standing in the kitchen, leaning against the wall. She had a gun in her in her hands that must of been Maya's, and was pointing it straight at me. Her eyes were filled with tears and a couple streaked her cheeks.

"Don't Sky. Stay away. I don't want you to get in trouble" She said. She sounded choked up. Upset.

"Put the gun down and we can talk about this. Please Jade. I have to call our owners. Just put it down, we'll make up some story and hopefully all we get is a shock—"I tried. She shook her head instantly.

"No! I'm tired of leashes! Shocks! Kneeling at someone's feet! Pleasing these Psychopaths! I'm done I can't do this anymore. If anything she'll get bored of me and do what she did what she did to her last one. I don't care who her next Pet is, I just don't want it to be me. Im not waiting around to be retired!

How did she know?!

"Jade. Listen. I'm sorry. Please don't do this. This isn't the way!" I tried. She shook her head.

"You knew! You knew didn't you? You knew I was going to die! And you didn't tell me!" She sobbed. Her grip on the gun tightened. I flinched at that.

"Yes! Okay yes! I did. But, I couldn't tell you! You'd get dragged away earlier! My owner and yours, they said if I told you I'd get punished and you would get sent away that day!"

With all this yelling we will totally wake up Maya and Krystal

Almost on cue I heard two sets of footsteps enter the kitchen.

"What the hell is going o—"

"Goodbye Sky. I'm sorry I couldn't take you with me. Stay Strong okay?" Jade pressed the gun to her temple and I stiffened.

Oh shit.

"Wait! Jade no!"


She instantly fell to the floor. Blood began to pool from the wound, staining the white floor. I backed against the wall, holding my head and forcing myself to stay calm. It wasn't working. I heard Maya curse and quickly ran over to me. I didn't notice I was crying until I felt the first drop hit my knee, then the second, then the third.

She's dead. Jade is dead.

"Shit. Krystal she's in shock. Get me the syringe" She said. Krystal got up and ran into Maya's room, racing back with a syringe filled with a black liquid and handing it to her. I instantly tried to back up, which didn't do much since I was against the wall.

Am I next?! No no! I'm sorry Mom and Dad, I should of been more careful.

I must of began to Panic, since Maya sat on the floor and immediately pulled me into her lap.

"Sky Relax. Just calm down. You'll be okay. Breathe. In and Out, In and Out".She tried to soothe me as she inserted the needle, emptying its contents. The world instantly began to spin. I felt myself being picked up and carried, then I was placed down on a bed.

"Sleep Sky. It'll be alright" She said, petting my hair gently to help me drift off. It worked and everything faded to black.

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