Chapter Fifteen

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Sky's POV:

When I woke up the first thing I realized was I wasn't in Maya's room. I was laying on a hospital bed. I sat up and instantly my head swam. I saw a mirror on the wall in front of the wall and got out of the bed to look at myself. My dress was white and I was barefoot. My collar was the same, only the leash was white. I heard a hissing sound and watched the door slide open, making way for a tall female to walk into the room. She was dressed in a lab coat and was wearing doctor type clothes. Of course my eyes wandered to her neck and I frowned.

Of course no Collar, why did I expect her to have a collar.

She stopped right in front of me, blocking my view of the mirror and gave me a hard stare.

"Your Owner submitted you here for traumatic experiences and injury upon witnessing an accident. Let us check you over real quick and then we'll get your paperwork settled" She said dismissivily.

Accident? She killed herself in front of me. That wasn't an accident

"Thank You, Ma'am" I said hurriedly as she walked towards the door. She froze and looked back at me with a surprised look. I in return gave her a look of confusion.

"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" I asked politely. She cleared her throat and the same bored look appeared back on her face.

"No. Usually the Pets don't speak back to us that's all. You must be new" She walked out the door and I angrily sat down on the bed.

Great, I'm not allowed to speak now

The door opened again and Maya walked in, flanked by Krystal. Both woman sat down in the chairs by the door. Krystal was focused on her phone, typing away like her life depended on it. Maya however was looking at me.

"What did she say to you? The Doctor?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes, half expecting a shock in return but she just folded her arms and stood up.

"Well? What did she say Sky"

"She said you submitted me here for witnessing Tramatic Experiences and injury due to it. She said she's going to check me over then some paperwork for me" I replied back. This time Maya rolled her eyes.

"Blah. I hate paperwork. So annoying having to sign 4 different documents plus writing a check for your treatment. Since you aren't from one of the places here I don't have the program that would cover most of your costs" She spat.

Places? There are places to get human pets from here? This island is more fucked up than I thought

The door opened again and a male doctor walked in, followed by a girl in a royal purple dress. The Doctor went over to Maya while the girl took a spot on the counter.

"Come on..Just one more round. This can wait" She whined. The Doctor tossed her an annoyed look. He handed Maya the clipboard he was holding and turned around.

"Sophia, enough. We have plenty of time AFTERWARDS. Then we can do whatever you want. For now, why don't you prep Miss Redd's Pet for the treatments?" He snapped. She finally looked my way and her eyes widened. I stopped for a second. Her eyes weren't normal colored. They seemed to be a bit, Purple?

"Hi Pet Girl! Didn't see you there. Let's hurry up and get you patched up so me and Mr Grouchy can go play" She said, jumping off the counter and striding towards me. I heard the doctor sigh just as she stopped in front of me.

Did she seriously just realize I was here? What's wrong with her eyes?

She grabbed my wrist extremely hard and pulled to make me stand up, causing me to yelp. She pressed me slightly against the bed.

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