Little Challenge

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Ryker sat at the cafe on campus, just chewing some gum and reading from her textbook

People didn't think she studied because she was notorious, but she was actually an A student, so was Dean. People just didn't stick around long enough to find out how educated they actually were and the people that did stick around to get to know them, well, they'd end up like Seth

Ryker felt her gaze harden when she thought about Seth. There was a story about that

Ryker, Dean and Seth were best friends, were best friends since they were little. Then Seth developed a crush on Ryker when they were 16 but Dean and Ryker already had something going on. When Seth found out about it, he stopped talking to Ryker and Dean for an entire year until his family packed up and moved to Iowa

Ryker was pulled out from her thoughts at the sight of Roman walking into the cafe, stack of books in his hands and he quickly got a booth and ordered a coffee and blueberry muffin and opened a book

Ryker smirked and got up from where she was, picking up her book and going over to where he was, making sure she had swagger in her steps

She dropped the book on the table infront him, making him jump slightly and he looked up but ultimately relaxed when he saw Ryker

"The cafe seems kinda full, mind if I sit here?" She asked and Roman curiously looked around and there were about 6 people and 4 clear booths, he turned back to her and tried to hide his smile

"Sure," he said and smiled when she sat down, he remembered their kiss. They hadn't caught each other since that and secretly Roman thanked god because she would ask questions that he himself didn't have the answers to

Ryker smiled at him and bit her lip, so it mightn't hurt to try because he did kiss her last week

"So Roman, would you like to go out with me sometime?" She asked looking at him

He looked around and bit his lip, with a slight blush

"Sorry, but I don't go out with people I don't really know," he replied

Ryker was confused, wasn't his lips all over hers the other day? But anyway, she was nothing if not up to a little challenge

"So you're saying, if we get to know each other a little, and I learn your favourite colour or whatever, that I could take you on a date?" She asked and he chuckled

"Didn't say that, but I also didn't say no." He replied and she nodded with a grin

He was gonna make it a challenge was he? Well, he was in for a surprise. 

When she got back into their dorm, she looked at where Dean was on the couch with his computer and she went over and threw herself on his lap after he put down the laptop

He 'oofed' when she landed on him and she sighed happily

"D?" She asked and he hummed in acknowledgement

"Let's go to a party tonight," she told him and he agreed

She couldn't stop thinking about Roman, and maybe if she went out and things fell back into the norm, then maybe she wouldn't fall for Roman like she was now...she could only hope that would happen

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